Thursday, October 31, 2019

Halloween Academy & giveaway

Halloween Academy 
by Angela Kulig & Angela Sanders 
Genre: YA Paranormal Fantasy

Holidays don’t just happen, but the ghouls and girls of Halloween Academy make it look easy.

Witches, warlocks, vampires, and mummies mingle with strange new monsters as they prepare one fantastic night for us foolish morties in the human world.

Secrets and Sorcery pit a good witch, Harper against a brooding vampire, Cordelia early on, but only one can be crowned the Queen of Halloween, and only one of them even want to be. Bodies, boyfriends, and black cats trip the girls up, as they cast spells, carve pumpkins, and complete the classes that mean they’re truly ready for the magic of All Hallows Eve. 

**Only .99 cents!!** 

Mystic Manor 
A Halloween Academy Prequel 

**Get it FREE!! **

Angela Kulig is an American gypsy, and former pirate. She has been from sea to shining sea--and though she is currently trapped in the desert against her will, she escapes everyday in the form of many books. 

Angela Sanders is an International Bestselling author of Paranormal Romance and Urban Fantasy. She's a multi-genre author who also writes psychological thrillers and murder mysteries, her debut novel being, NEVER AGAIN. As a retired Navy Chief, wife, and mother, Angela lives in Kentucky where she enjoys writing, editing, reading, or all three. 

Her son is the key to her heart; he has the writing bug, wanting to be like his mommy when he grows up. She began her writing journey, first in the political world, and then left it all behind to explore the more fantastical world of fiction. With the help and support of several authors pushing her along, she published her first book in June 2017 and has been writing since--twelve books later, and many more to come. 

$25 Amazon , Candy Bar Bundle – 1 winner each

Follow the tour HERE for special content and a giveaway!

Beware the Violet & Giveaway

Beware the Violet
The Eulogimenoi Series Book 1
by Maria Vermisoglou
Genre: YA Fantasy 

Discovering supernatural creatures are real is one thing but learning I have powers and learning to use them is quite a feat.

My name is Violet Webb. I live in a small town that nearly worships Halloween but I hate it. I can't wait until I graduate and get as far as I can from that silliness.

Everything changed when I followed the white rabbit. I ended up in a Realm full of vampires, fairies, witches and every creature possible.

Oh, Did I mention Jacques?
The hot shapeshifter with the French accent that makes me see rabbits everywhere?

Now what?

Some bloody lady of Fate gave me a prophecy to get home. The only problem is that I must defeat the darkness before it swallows both of our worlds.

Can I go through without making the ultimate sacrifice?

**Only 99 cents!!**

Librarian. Reader. Writer. Reviewer.

Maria Vermisoglou is an International Bestselling fantasy author and she loves throwing her heroes into impossible situations. She draws inspiration from books, travels and...the ceiling. (So, blame the ceiling!)

She started writing 4 years ago when an idea came to her. That idea started all...
When she's not writing, she loves a good riding on the fantasy dragon but a book can also be exciting along with a cup of tea.
She's currently residing in Crete as a librarian, battling monsters and supernatural creatures from overcoming the world.

In July 2018, she was nominated as the second place winner in the First Annual Indie Awards as the Favourite New Female Author.

Follow the tour HERE for special content and a giveaway!

Servant of Salem & Giveaway

Servant of Salem
by Breanna Hayse
Genre: Paranormal Romantic Suspense, Time Travel 

The intricate patterns woven into the tapestries of time are not always to be understood, but to be accepted as just being. The truth serves to illuminate the enlightened and destroy the deeds of the wicked, and know always that there are those who will silence it. My hope for mankind is to learn from the past to better the future and that people become wise to the power of their lies, and not be fooled as those who were fooled before…" ~ The Master of Salem; Robert Calef, PhD. Salem, MA 2015

Destiny Calef has two great passions in her life: her handsome and incredibly sexy professor husband, Robert, and serving the truth of history - particularly that of the world-renowned, infamous witch trials of Salem, Massachusetts.

Granted as part of their research stipend, the couple moves into the old Downing farm, the former residence of the accused witch, John Proctor. It is there where Destiny's dreams become nightmares, and she is plagued by a recurring vision that occurs at the exact same time of 3:33 a.m. There is no escape from the images that haunt her mind, and no answers with regards to their purpose. Her only hope lies in finding a clue hidden in Robert's secret library that is locked in the basement's vault. But Robert refuses to give her the key...

Curiosity and desperation get the better of her and Destiny defies Robert's orders to steer clear of his library. In that room, she discovers the truth about her husband's troubled past and his incredible secret… one which will not only turn her life upside down, but will lead to her standing face-to-face with one of history's most manipulative and notorious accusers of witchcraft, the Reverend Samuel Parris himself. This was a man who was known to get what he wanted, no matter the cost, and the portrait painted by history was nothing compared to his true evil and selfish nature.

Time has brought Destiny to 17th century Salem for a reason, but there are rules regarding changing the course of events, and severe consequences when these rules are broken. Destiny soon discovers that the kinky role-play games she and Robert enjoy enacting in the bedroom are child's play compared to the harsh deliverance of penance in colonial life. She also learns that things written in the history books are not always the truth, and makes it her mission to not only save innocent lives from the clutches of Samuel Parris, but to let everyone in the future know that what is written is not always the truth.

Author’s Note:
I started this piece as a historian, following the treasure map of documents and accountings of the infamous 1692 Witch Trials of Salem. What I discovered between the pages of history were the specters of truth lost in the kaleidoscope of time and concealed in the shadows of those who hungered for power and property. This is not about ghosts, witches or the paranormal as I had originally supposed, given my fascination of the subject matter, rather a love story that stood the test of time. A man and woman of flesh and blood, and how their trust, love and sacrifice broke the chains of evil. Now revealed, I offer that truth to you and pray that your eyes are open to that which is, not that which is desired. ~ Servant of Salem

Based on actual facts and historical data, #1 Best-Selling Multi-Genre author Breanna Hayse delivers a compelling tale of love, fear, lust, lies, loyalty and the reality of corporal punishment like she's never done before in this: Servant of Salem.

BDSM/AP lifestyler Breanna Hayse strives to give her readers truth and reality of the BDSM/Age-Play/Total Power and Erotic Exchange lifestyle.

Who am I?
I'm a native Californian gone 'wild', and had the opportunity to travel the globe and discover the world through the eyes of both a Marine Intelligence specialist and a BDSM lifestyler. I left the service to go into hospice nursing and grief counseling, eventually working as a marriage and family therapist for those involved in alternative lifestyle development. This experience has allowed me to gain unique inspiration for my books and offer realistic plots and relatable characters.

In 2004, my husband, John, and I joined forces to work with both submissives and dominants- teaching, training, listening and loving. Our goal was to take the mystery and fear out of the lifestyle and mentor people in safe, consensual and healthy relationships.

My first book, The Game Plan, was published in 2012 and opened the door to the now-booming world of Age-Play literature. Since that time, I've devoted my 'spare' time to writing, researching, community involvement, and private and group pro bono counseling in deviant behavior, alternative lifestyle, and addiction recovery.

I was formally 'dungeon trained' as a Domme before discovering my submissive side when I joined the service. My scenarios are pulled primarily from either personal experience or observation, including spending time in BDSM clubs as the safety/medical officer. My multi-faceted background allows me to glean from many avenues and give a unique and intelligent literary experience through elements of fantasy and fiction. I also discuss the questions and psychology of the lifestyle in a manner that is fun and informative, and based on 'the real deal.'

I live with my husband, musician, and fellow-author, John Hayse, and two border collies in southern California. We practice a 24/7 D&S relationship with speckles of AP (and many trips to Build-A-Bear), and happily spend every moment together that we can. My hobbies include my puppies, hiding my vanilla salt-water taffy where John can't find it, exotic art, collecting inspirational trinkets, and developing my own paddle line. You can also see me as a featured author/instructor in professional conference settings and as a Sexpert for

Follow the tour HERE for special content and a giveaway!

Web of Echoes & giveaway

Deep Echoes
Web of Echoes Book 1
by Melody Ash
Genre: Time Travel Adventure 

She's a no-holds-barred, kick-butt, don't-cover-the-ugly-parts archaeologist. History wants to teach her a lesson.

The journey begins with a backpack and lip gloss.

Caitlin Benoit finds her blood quickened by a new, intriguing site. An initial exploration leads to the discovery of a mysterious river rock with peculiar etchings. Puzzled, she breaks all the rules to examine the stone closer.

When she brushes away the dirt, 2017 folds away to leave Caitlin standing in pre-Civil War Charleston. As she tries to work out how she time traveled to 1859, Caitlin learns the terrifying risk she poses even while she tries to return home.

Northern Echoes
Web of Echoes Book 2

She's a no-holds-barred, kick-butt, don't-cover-the-ugly-parts archaeologist. History wants to teach her a lesson.

Adventures are launched with a parlor and a sword.

Caitlin Benoit assumed the next destination would be her time, her world. Instead, the stone thrusts her further into the past and onto a different continent. Now in 1831 England, she's discovered by William, the Duke of Lancaster. By sheer luck, he's willing to allow her into his manor.

While she fights to gain a footing in this new time, Caitlin discovers the stone also ripped John from Charleston. Everything she thought she knew about how the stone worked is false, and neither of them understand how to escape the grip of the past.

As they work to uncover the mystery of the stone, an acquaintance of the Duke plots an intricate scheme certain to destroy them all. She and John must solve the puzzle, in an unknown amount of time, or risk getting stuck--or buried--in 1831.

Sunken Echoes
Web of Echoes Book 3

She's a no-holds-barred, kick-butt, don't-cover-the-ugly-parts archaeologist. History wants to teach her a lesson.

Discovery has an hourglass and a necklace.

Caitlin lands hard on the decks of an infamous ship--with only 24 hours before it sinks, and John is missing.
Trapped in 1912 on the Titanic, sand is slipping through the hourglass as she tries to jump ship before it plunges to the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean. She meets Elizabeth, a woman with valuable knowledge about time travel and how it works. Yet nothing is ever easy, and her new friend's memory proves to be unreliable.
As Caitlin searches for John, the grains of time slip away. She must put the pieces together, or she'll find herself in lying in a cursed grave at the bottom of the ocean.

**Only .99 cents!!**

Melody grew up loving the endless possibilities fantasy and Sci-Fi held between their pages or played on the big screen. At age ten, she picked up a pencil and began coming up with stories of her own that toyed with other worlds and the mysteries of this one.

When she's not delving into the worlds created by words, she's digging into Ghiradelli chocolates and creating memories with her families.

Follow the tour HERE for special content and a giveaway!

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Sojourner by Janalyn Voigt (Fantasy, Christian Fantasy) & Giveaway

On Tour with Prism Book Tours

Book Tour Grand Finale for
By Janalyn Voigt

We hope you enjoyed the tour! If you missed any of the stops
you'll find snippets, as well as the link to each full post, below:

Launch - Note from the Author

...Mara is one of my favorite characters in Tales of Faeraven. Her keen mind and strength of will serve her in good stead. She doesn’t always make the best choices but eventually learns from her mistakes. In that respect, I’d like to take a leaf from her book.


"The third book in the Tales of Faeraven is just as surprising as the first two. Just when you think things are okay the story pulls you left and right. Janalyn Voigt has such a way of crafting a fantasy world while weaving scripture into the story and making it relatable as always. . . . This book is centered around Mara and the secret of her life. . . . Overall, great addition to the series! Excited for DawnKing which is book four."

Heidi Reads... - Excerpt

“Don’t grillons prefer the bog? I’ve never seen one in the cove before this.”

Da and Hael always returned from cutting turf for the fire in the bog lands with tales of the strange creatures they found. Last summer, Da had brought home a grillon trapped in a jar. Mam had been none too pleased about that. He’d explained that he meant to take Mara along next time and wanted to warn her about the grillons. Mam made him promise to put an end to the grillon, but had it somehow escaped?

“Sometimes they stray. Don’t be afraid. I’ll search him out for you.”

He’d never gazed at her with such a soft look on his face before. What did it mean?

"...I quickly found I wanted to know more and couldn’t wait find out what happens! I was pleased with how this one turned out, and enjoyed seeing some of the secrets and things that weren’t covered but were hinted at, or missing in the first two books."

“What does a farmer know of romance?”

“I want nothing to do with it myself.” There. She had let him know how she felt.

“It seems we are agreed.”

Relief washed over her. He had come around so quickly. “I believe so.”

“That’s well then.” He nodded. “I will ask for you.”

"SoJourner starts with a new character, Mara, whom I think might just be one of my favorites so far. Her spunk and courage are endearing, as well as her deep, forgiving nature. Also new to the scene is Rand, the son of an enemy. His character really adds depth and a new dimension to the story. . . . Voigt once again delivers a novel of beautiful descriptions and a unique world all her own. While I felt the novel could have been fleshed out just a little more, the overall pace and plot were done excellently."

“Am I such a burden?”

Mam’s face softened. “Nay, child, never that. But can you not see that to wed our neighbor would keep you near?”

“Not marrying at all would leave me closer.”

“Foolishness.” Mam shook her head, her brow puckered. “You’ll want to marry.”

“Why?” Mara said in desperation. “Why can’t I stay here with you and Da?”

“Hush, child. T’is the way of things, and naught to be done about it. Fledglings fly the nest.”

Jorie Loves A Story - Spotlight

Splashes of Joy - Excerpt

Seated at a scarred table in the inn’s common room, Rand did his best to ignore the hostile stares from more than one pair of rounded eyes. He’d chosen a dark corner away from the lanthorn light in the hope of escaping notice. As a Kindren among the Elder, he’d expected to encounter suspicion. From the look of this crowd, he’d better keep watch to avoid being knifed in his bed. He couldn’t let anything happen to him, not with his father’s errand to carry out, although the thought of it made his stomach churn.

Uplifting Reads - Excerpt

Mam pushed into the chamber. “What’s this? Lingering abed?”

“My head aches.”

“Hmm…” Mam’s eyes narrowed. “I’ll brew an infusion. You’ll recover before Rohan arrives.”

“But Mam—”
“Stir yourself. He means to ask you to marry him.” She took herself off to make the remedy.

Mara swallowed against a lump in her throat. She’d never thought Mam would be happy to see her gone. There seemed nothing to do but drag herself from bed and endure today’s ordeal. Rohan wanted a wife, did he? Maybe she could persuade him to look elsewhere.

J. L. Mbewe - Excerpt

Mara felt the Kindren looking at her out of long eyes a strange hue between green and amber, deepened by the dim light in the far corner. He had a look she’d seen before, that of a care-worn sojourner. How far had he come, and what errand thrust him upon the mercies of the road?

The front door opened and the lanthorns suspended from overhead beams swung in the draft that fanned her face. Light flared across the stranger, turning his hair red-gold. She’d taken him for older than he now appeared, but guessing a Kindren’s age wasn’t easy. His kind hardly ever stopped at the inn these days, and she’d forgotten how intriguing she found them.

jypsylynn - Review

"...this remains a well written, inventive, entertaining and complex read with dynamic unforgettable characters and an underlying current of faith. I'm interested to see where things are going next. Janalyn Voigt has written a great addition to the series and I recommend for anyone who has enjoyed the books!"

"Sojourner is the third novel in the speculative/fantasy series The Tales of Faeraven. I think that the world-building in this series is second to none, with the culture and customs of this fictional land being solid and credible. I do like it that some of the characters and evens (at least in the early books) are based on actual Medieval European History. . . . So what did I enjoy about this book? Most of it really. I liked how alongside the political intrigue with a growing threat from an enemy army threatening the heroes, there was a hint of romance between Mara and the mysterious Rand."

A creature loomed black against the pewter sky. He knew the flapping sound its wings made from his early days at Pilaer. He’d loathed the giant raptor birds but had pretended to admire their savagery to please his father and avoid Draeg’s mockery. This one was a long way from its roost in the east of Elderland. The rider on its back provided an explanation for that but roused other questions. On what errand would his father send a welke rider? And did it have anything to do with his own?

Bookworm Lisa - Review

"This was my favorite book of the series so far. . . . I loved the interaction of the characters and the weaving in of the past, present, and future that is to come. This is story of finding love, hope, friendship, and honor in a time of war."

That Georgia Gypsy - Spotlight

Jessica Belmont - Review

"Sojourner is the third book in the Faeraven series, and is my third read from Janalyn Voigt. These novels seem like they could be read as standalones, but the books are so good, I recommend checking them all out. . . . Overall, Sojourner is a fantastic read with beautiful descriptions and compelling characters. Recommended for sure!"

Remembrancy - Review

"Sojourner ends with a little more of a cliffhanger than the first two books, but my guess is Voigt is gearing readers up for something epic in the next installment. As this series continues, I become more invested in these characters and Voigt’s story world. And I really want Kai and Shae to get their HEA!"

Wishful Endings - Excerpt

“I’m certain you wouldn’t run away without cause.”

“I didn’t want to marry.” She hadn’t meant to blurt that out.

“And now you are on your way to Torindan? Something’s missing from your story.”

She shrugged. “There’s not much else.”

He touched her arm, and a tingle ran down her spine. “I’ve an idea you’ve left out the important part.”

Pause for Tales - Review

"I was happy to be back in this world. I enjoyed the continuation of this story and I think this one just might be my favorite as many loose ends of the previous story are tied up. The story arc is one that is keeping me glued to the pages and looking forward to the next in the series."

Rand had promised his mother he would never abase a maiden. He wanted Mara beyond reason but would not take her by force or persuasion and should not have stolen so much as a kiss from her.

Restraining the impulse to offer his hand to help her rise, he picked up his saddle bag. Touching her presented too much of a temptation. “It’s time to leave.”

"I eagerly anticipated reading SoJourner having recently enjoyed DawnSinger and WayFarer. Janalyn Voigt did not disappoint. . . . I look forward to reading book 4 in the Tales of Faeraven series. I highly recommend reading these books in order in order to fully understand the plot."

"I have to say that I've been quite enjoying Janalyn Voigt's Tales Of Faeraven series and SoJourner was no exception. Readers are once again transported right into the story by author Janalyn Voigt's vivid word-painting of her magical fantasy realm. So, if you are into epic journeys, sword fights, hidden identities, and flying horses, you really should check into this book and series..."

Don't forget to enter the giveaway at the end of this post...

(Tales of Faeraven #3)
By Janalyn Voigt
Fantasy, Christian Fantasy
Paperback & ebook, 322 Pages
November 1st 2019 by Pelican Book Group

Mara didn't know her parents were living a lie.

After learning a secret that causes Mara to question her heritage, she runs to Torindan, the High Hold of Faeraven, to seek the truth. What the innkeeper’s daughter doesn't know is that Rand, the mysterious tracker she’s hired to guide her through the wilderness, has been sent on an errand that puts her life at risk.

Helping Mara furthers Rand's purposes, but he doesn't count on his emotions interfering.

With Faeraven on the brink of war, Rand is faced with a life-altering choice, Mara is torn between escape and learning the truth, and the future hangs in the balance.

Will Mara be heir to the Faeraven throne? Can Rand escape the terrors of the dungeon?

As Torindan and Pilaer prepare for battle, anything can happen.

(Affiliate link included.)

Other Books in the Series

About the Author

Janalyn Voigt is a writer and professional speaker with a photography habit and a passion for travel. Her unique blend of adventure, romance, suspense, and fantasy creates worlds of beauty and danger for readers. Tales of Faeraven, her epic fantasy series beginning with DawnSinger, carries readers into a land only imagined in dreams. She is represented by Sarah Joy Freese of Wordserve Literary.

Tour Giveaway

One winner will receive  a Tales of Faeraven bookmark and choice of ONE of the following items (US only):
Ends October 30th, 2019

a Rafflecopter giveaway
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A Golden Heart (A Blood War Novel Book 2)

Title: A Golden Heart (A Blood War Novel Book 2)
Author: Alia Johnson
Genre: Fantasy Romance
Release Date: Oct 26th 

Add on Goodreads 

The fire inside her will scorch the land...
With deep scars that never healed, Princess Vashti decides to travel to Antiqua to visit her sister. She didn't expect to be captured and thrown into a box only to be sold at an auction. Using her deadly powers to escape, Vashti must choose whether to journey to the forbidden volcano or further into the Forest to stay hidden. 
In Baklan she will fight...
A vast demon Horde waits for the Trials of Baklan to begin the Hunt. Vashti may not have wanted to join the competition, but to escape and save her sister, she will have to survive, while trying not to fall for the menacing Horde King that watches her every move.
Baklan has many secrets that hunger to be revealed.
The ones Vashti hides will bring war to its gates. 
This is a full-length fantasy romance containing a bride hunt and a possessive Horde King that has a HEA. Each book in the series can be read as a standalone. 

Alia Johnson was born in Southern Illinois to two amazing parents that took her on different adventures every year. She used to love cheerleading under the lights of the home football games when her husband played. (Check out his fishing page Carp’n.) They have two amazingly talented children who surprise her every day. She is best friends with her brother, hates when her food touches, loves gardening, and plans to keep showing her readers the experiences that visit her every night while she dreams. Thank you, Mr. Sandman. You will always be my muse.  

F-R-E-E BOOK SALE! Corrupt Me by Bianca Borell

   ✩✩ F-R-E-E BOOK SALE! ✩✩ Love Me: Corrupt Legacy Book 1 by Bianca Borell is currently #free for a Limited Time! Grab your Dark College Ro...