Tuesday, February 28, 2023

Love You Now by Julia Kent


Title: Love You Now
Series: Love You, Maine #4
Author: Julia Kent
Genre: Contemporary Romantic Comedy
Tropes: Small Town/One Night Stand/Secret Baby
Release Date: February 28, 2023


Ana DaSilva is looking for a palate cleanser. A one night stand. A reboot.

Instead, she got fireworks, sparks, chemistry, and the perfect guy. No one wants to meet Mr. Right when he should just be Mr. Rebound, but Mr. Right is so, so right.

But then he went from Mr. Right to Mr. Never, because when she learns she’s pregnant three days after that wonderful night with Dennis, she realizes her sleazy drug dealing ex not only left her with the legal mess she knew about, he gave her a life-long present.

One that means ignoring Dennis’ texts and phone calls, no matter how much she wants to answer.

Dennis Luview wants to escape his pain. Coming back to his hometown of Luview, Maine - the cheesy tourist trap where every day was Valentine’s Day - means facing a past he left behind twenty-four years ago. Yes, his family is loving, and sure, he has roots that go bone-deep in the small town community where people step up for each other.

But the naive eighteen-year-old who left to serve his country is now a retired Special Ops vet with a heavy entourage of ghosts and PTSD. No woman deserves all the baggage he’s lugging around.

Including Ana, who clearly wants nothing to do with him, no matter how intense their one haunting encounter really was.

Which is why six months after that hot night, he’s stunned to find her in his hometown, at a bridal shower, her ripe, pregnant belly swelling under a gorgeous yellow sundress.

A public confrontation turns into a very private reunion, and as Dennis pursues Ana she opens up, but is he crazy to want her — and what turns out to be another man’s baby — to settle down and find stability and love?

Or is he deluding himself that he’s remotely worth the happiness an instant family could offer, after his terrible past?






Oh, my goodness.

“Brie,” she said, her knees going weak, her body starting to tremble like that teen boy’s hands. “It’s–help.”

“Help? What’s wrong? Is it the baby?”

Sharp as a tack, Lucinda left the boy hanging and turned to her.

“Ana? What’s wrong? Do you need to sit? Is something wrong with the baby?”

Time changed.

Each second skipped like a stone on water, like a hummingbird’s wings, like there was all the time in the world yet every bit of it was gone.

She took a step backward. Then another, her belly going heavy, her heart completely confused in her chest, trying to decide whether to jump for joy…

…or flee screaming.

The group of people was moving closer, step by step, each one more final than the last.

Each one clearer than the last.

The big man in the navy t-shirt, wearing sunglasses he was now slowly removing as he looked at her like an assassin peering through a rifle sight was, indeed, Dennis.

Her Dennis.

Dennis from their one night stand.

“ANA!” Brie said loudly. “What’s going on?”

At Brie’s words, Dennis’s sunglasses dropped to the ground, his legs faster than she ever imagined something so thick could be. He ran around his group, startling the lumberjack dude, making the fashionable woman wobble on her high heels.

“Hey!” the guy called out, but Dennis ran, coming to an abrupt halt, his eyes on her belly.

Her big, ripe belly, as round as the sun.

Then he looked at her eyes.

Her belly.

Her eyes.

Ana?” His face reflected her own yearning, her desperate wish, her desire, her–

“Dennis, I can explain–”









New York Times and USA Today bestselling author Julia Kent writes romantic comedy with an edge. Since 2013, she has sold more than 2 million books, with 4 New York Times bestsellers and more than 21 appearances on the USA Today bestseller list. Her books have been translated into French, German, and Italian, with more titles releasing in the future.

From billionaires to BBWs to new adult rock stars, Julia finds a sensual, goofy joy in every contemporary romance she writes. Unlike Shannon from Shopping for a Billionaire, she did not meet her husband after dropping her phone in a men's room toilet (and he isn't a billionaire she met in a romantic comedy).

She lives in New England with her husband and three children where she is the only person in the household with the gene required to change empty toilet paper rolls.

She loves to hear from her readers by email at julia@jkentauthor.com, on Twitter @jkentauthor, on Facebook at @jkentauthor, and on Instagram @jkentauthor. Visit her at http://jkentauthor.com


- Until Korry by KL Shandwick



Until Korry


By K.L. Shandwick


Genre | Trope: Contemporary Romance | Rockstar Romance | Second chance | Marriage pact 

Cover Designer – Francesca Wingfield at Wingfield Designs

Release Date – May 31

Hosted by DS Book Promotions

 Preorder Here



One minute I was that uncool kid who hated piano lessons.

The next, a high school dropout, playing in a start-up band.

A year later, that band, ‘Screaming Shadows’ was one of the biggest in the world.

Life was phenomenal apart from my one regret, that I’d never had the guts to tell my best friend, Blaire Hutton my true feelings about her.

As we grew up, I believed Blaire was my soulmate, but as she was every teenage guy’s wet dream, I remained her nerdy school friend.

That was until the night before I headed out on my first big tour when I’d kissed her goodbye and we’d jokingly made a pact, that if we were both still single by thirty, we’d give up and marry the other instead.

For a decade I’d held on to that pact, and with each year that passed, I became convinced she would wait for me. But I’ve just heard that at twenty-nine was getting hitched… and it wasn’t to me.

My dilemma is, do I go home and try to claim what I’ve grown to believe is mine, or was I delusional to think she’d ever want me in the first place?

Follow K.L. Shandwick Here:

 Hosted by

Burning for the Truth by A.B. Medley


Title: Burning for the Truth
Series: Finding the Truth #3
Author: A.B. Medley
Genre: Romantic Suspense
Tropes: Forbidden/Brother's Best Friend
Release Date: February 28, 2023


Once the fire starts, no one is safe until the smoke clears.

He’s the one who broke her heart first, the one she can’t let go, and still always saves her when it seems all hope is lost.
He’s also her brother’s best friend and way off limits.
She’s the one he dreams about, the one he’s always drawn to, but the one he keeps at arm’s length.
She was meant to walk away—he made sure of it—but he can’t stop holding onto her.
Even though she’s the one woman he can never have.
Dean and Briella think their feelings are under control—all they’ll ever be is friends—until tragedy strikes, followed by a string of mysterious fires targeting the hearts of Greendale Valley’s police and firefighters. The aftermath pushes them apart completely, only to drive them back together as they risk burning everything down in search of justice.

Will the flame between them continue to burn, or will uncovering the truth leave nothing but ashes?



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After telling me like it is, my big brother leaves me alone with my thoughts. I sit on the bed and stare at the familiar walls of my childhood bedroom. I thought I knew what heartbreak was once upon a time when I still resided in this room. And damn it, I thought I was stronger than this too. But it would seem this arsonist, this murderer, took away everything…including knowing who the hell I am.
I stand and push my shoulders back, new determination in my spine. As I head toward the patio again, I mumble to myself, “Make this right with Dean, Briella Brigg, or you won’t be able to look yourself in the eye.”
“Are you Dean’s girlfriend?” A voice startles me as I’m reaching for the doorknob. I turn quickly and find the same blonde I saw with him earlier staring at me.
“Um, who are you?” I ask quickly. I’m annoyed someone snuck up on me and irritated a perfect stranger has the audacity to ask me such a personal question.
“I’m sorry, I’m Chelsea. I was one of Dean’s nurses in the hospital. We’ve kept in touch, and I’ve really started to care about him. But he seems…unavailable. I sort of thought he might have feelings for someone else even though he said he didn’t have a girlfriend, and I thought that someone might be you. Maybe you’re his ex, and he still has feelings for you?” she tries again, seemingly intent on pursuing him if she can get the all clear from me.
“Why would you think that? You don’t even know me,” I return sharply.
“No, but I saw the way he looked at you when you got here,” she adds with a raised brow.
“And how exactly was that?” I ask, because I saw panic in his eyes—or maybe guilt that I saw him able to be happy while I’m clearly doomed never to be.
She smiles sadly before answering. “Like you were the only person in the world.”
It takes me aback. “No, you’ve got it all wrong. Dean and I are friends. I’ve known him almost my entire life. He’s my brother’s best friend. We’re going through some complicated…stuff.” It’s all I can bring myself to say.
She blinks at me. “I see. Well, forgive me. I wanted to be sure I wasn’t stepping on anyone’s toes if I asked him out.”
Oh, it’s like that. “Nope, no toes to step on here.” I smile through clenched teeth. This girl seems nice, so I don’t know why this is irritating me so badly. And if Dean can find some way to be happy after what we’re all dealing with, more power to him.
She smiles again. “Good to know.” She walks out the door leaving me standing there alone and speechless. She seems nice enough, harmless even, so why did it feel like some sort of challenge?



Free in Kindle Unlimited


Free in Kindle Unlimited


A.B. Medley lives in Tennessee with the love of her life and two sons. Her husband stole her heart when she was sixteen and their relationship is one of those meant to be love stories you find in magazines and novels.

She is a dental hygienist who loves to read and has always dabbled in writing. When she’s not making people’s smiles shine, she enjoys belting out songs with her boys, dancing, raspberries, baseball, and anything vintage. Like any proper Tennessean, Sundrop is her drink of choice.

She loves her family and friends fiercely and believes in always chasing your dreams.

Deception in the Truth is her debut novel—but now she’s hooked, and there’s more to come.


When Secrets Become Nightmares by Candace Dowds


 ✩✩✩ NEW RELEASE ✩✩✩

When Secrets Become Nightmares 

Genre: Psychological Thriller

By Candace Dowds


Hosted by DS Book Promotions


AU  | US  | UK  | CA 

Available on Kindle Unlimited

Tate has lost so much in the past four months. Between her mother dying and her grandmother passing from a broken heart, there isn't much more she can take.

While evaluating the deaths, it becomes clear that her mother's demise wasn't an accidental overdose. Mere weeks after the only mother she knew, her father moves a new woman and her son into the house.

Tate will soon be sent into a tailspin trying to uncover the truth.

About the author

Candace began writing after the passing of her son in 2009. It has been an emotional release for her. She is supported by her family and friends. Other than the time she is writing, she sits back for hours reading books by her favorite authors, Tijan Meyer, Rachel Vincent, Richelle Mead, Colleen Hoover, Claudia Gray and so many more. That or she will go for a calming drive while listening to Eminem, Slim Shady, Marshal Mathers or The Rap God, whichever you would like to call him. Her kids are just like her, sarcastic, but fun loving. The rules she lives by 1 Don't take life too seriously 2 Don't live up to others ridiculous expectations 3 Surround yourself with people who love you for you 4 If life becomes too much, have a stiff drink and start again tomorrow.





Hosted by

Burning for the Truth


Burning for the Truth
A.B. Medley
(Finding the Truth Series, #3)
Publication date: February 28th 2023
Genres: Adult, Contemporary, Romance, Suspense

Once the fire starts, no one is safe until the smoke clears.

He’s the one who broke her heart first, the one she can’t let go, and still always saves her when it seems all hope is lost.

He’s also her brother’s best friend and way off limits.


She’s the one he dreams about, the one he’s always drawn to, but the one he keeps at arm’s length..

She was meant to walk away—he made sure of it—but he can’t stop holding onto her.

Even though she’s the one woman he can never have.


Dean and Briella think their feelings are under control—all they’ll ever be is friends—until tragedy strikes, followed by a string of mysterious fires targeting the hearts of Greendale Valley’s police and firefighters. The aftermath pushes them apart completely, only to drive them back together as they risk burning everything down in search of justice.

Will the flame between them continue to burn, or will uncovering the truth leave nothing but ashes?

Goodreads / Amazon


The ride to my apartment is silent. When we get back, I keep quiet as I get ready for bed.

“Is everything okay?” he finally asks.

“Fine. Why wouldn’t it be?” I clip frostily.

“I don’t know, maybe because you’ve been acting like a spoiled brat since we left the diner.”

I stop what I’m doing and face him with my jaw clenched. “Excuse me?”

“You heard me, Bree. You’re mad because she talked to me. Admit it.”

“I’m not mad. What you do and who you do it with is none of my business,” I reply coolly even though he’s right. I don’t want to think of him with anyone else even though I have no right to those feelings.

He steps closer, almost nose to nose. “You’re lying.” He searches my face for a crack in my armor.

I step closer so there’s no space between us. “I don’t tell lies. It sounds like you made your move with her and I’m happy for you.”

He scoffs and laughs humorlessly. “I was on duty and checked her detectors, one of the other guys was with me. We were in and out in a matter of about fifteen minutes. This dinner she keeps wanting to have with me is her idea, not mine.”

“So go. You might have fun. You might even be able to give your heart to her and be happy. You won’t know until you try. What do you have to lose?” My chest is aching as I say the words. I don’t mean them. I want him to be happy, but not with her.

“You.” He slides his hand into my hair at the base of my neck; his stormy gaze blazing with fury and passion. “I stand to lose you. Chelsea’s nice, but she’s not you. I can’t give my heart to her or anyone else. You have it. You took it a long time ago.” His breath fans my face as his lips lightly brush against mine.

He brings both hands to either side of my face as I lean into him for an instant, my body and my heart responding in every way, until I think about all the ways this can go wrong. “No. You don’t mean that. And even if you did, we can’t.” I take a step back with my hand placed firmly on his chest as if it will keep him from coming closer.

“The hell I don’t. But if you don’t want me, then I’ll back off.” He takes a few steps back as if demonstrating what he means.

My heart squeezes painfully. “It’s not that I don’t want you. This isn’t only about me and you. If we take a chance and we fall instead of fly, we risk hurting other people too,” I admit honestly.

He comes closer and pulls me into his arms. “We won’t fall. I won’t let go. We can do this if we’re in it together. Hold on to me, Briella. Don’t let go.”

His lips crash down on mine as he pushes me toward my bed, and I know with certainty I’ll do exactly as he says. I won’t let him go. I don’t think I ever truly did.

Author Bio:

A.B. Medley lives in Tennessee with the love of her life and two sons. Her husband stole her heart when she was sixteen and their relationship is one of those meant to be love stories you find in magazines and novels.

She is a dental hygienist who loves to read and has always dabbled in writing. When she's not making people's smiles shine, she enjoys belting out songs with her boys, dancing, raspberries, baseball, and anything vintage. Like any proper Tennessean, Sundrop is her drink of choice.

She loves her family and friends fiercely and believes in always chasing your dreams.

Deception in the Truth is her debut novel—but now she's hooked, and there's more to come!

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Gaming The System Series


Gaming The System Series
Brenna Aubrey
Genres: Adult, Contemporary, Romance

Description book 1:

“This is one of 13 romance novels that should be on every woman’s bucket list.”–Bustle.com

I had the craziest idea when I decided to auction my virginity online. I have reasons for it. Good reasons. My mom’s hospital bills, for one. My medical school tuition, for another. By day, I’m a student and popular gaming blogger, but my dream is to become a doctor. This auction could free me from a crushing pile of debt and give me the cash I need to make my dreams a reality.

And honestly, I’m also looking forward to cashing in that troublesome V-card. Win, win.

My rules are set in stone: One night, then no further contact with the auction winner. Enter Adam Drake, the brilliant gaming company CEO and multimillionaire. He won my auction. He’s young, driven, and so damn sexy. It’s frightening how attracted I am – though I’d never admit it. And it’s clear I’ll need to protect my heart.

But Adam is used to making the rules and before I can catch it, he’s found a loophole. Every stipulation I made to protect myself is getting tossed by the wayside.
I can’t help but wonder… Is he playing me? Or is he playing for keeps?

Goodreads / Amazon

Author Bio:

Brenna Aubrey is a USA TODAY Bestselling Author of contemporary romance stories that center on geek culture. Her debut novel, At Any Price, is currently free on all platforms. Her books are on over a million e-readers worldwide, have been translated into German, French, Italian and Dutch. They've also been adapted as an interactive app game. Look for the brand new POINT OF NO RETURN series and her extremely popular GAMING THE SYSTEM series.

She has always sought comfort in good books and the long, involved stories she weaves in her head. Brenna is a city girl with a nature-lover’s heart. She therefore finds herself out in green open spaces any chance she can get. She currently resides on the west coast of the US with her husband and children (both human and furry).

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A Little Getaway

  A Little Getaway Bonnie Traymore Publication date: October 9th 2024 Genres: Adult, Suspense, Thriller “Traymore’s page-turner is a...