Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Oceans Away & Giveaway

Author: Skye McNeil
Title: Oceans Away
Series: Atlas, book 2
Genre: Millionaire Romance
Release Date: July 13, 2019
Publisher: Hot Tree Publishing
Cover Designer: Soxsational Cover Art
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 Available now! 
When the girl next door returns home as a millionaire to face the farmer who never lost hope, she's caught between the man of her past and the man meant for her future.

Adopted as an infant, Ireland Leighton grew up in the heart of the Midwest. After inheriting millions from her biological parents, she is determined to help others any way she can. The only string is a business engagement with another millionaire. Ireland returns to Iowa years later to plan her brother’s tropical wedding. The festivities would be easier if her sexy ex-boyfriend stayed out of reach and her future wasn’t already planned.

Time suppressed his feelings for the girl next door, but Gideon Taggart isn’t about to let Ireland escape again. Farmer by day, veterinarian by choice, his second chance with his first love is far from easy. He soon discovers that no matter how much he loves Ireland, she’ll always choose her family over a future with him.

Oceans Away is book two in Skye McNeil’s stand-alone contemporary romance series, Atlas. Each book contains a millionaire to envy, snort-worthy comedy, and visits to many beautiful cities in the world. Yes, all of that, plus each novel ends with a fabulous HEA.

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After they picked up the winch from the Taggart farm, the two returned to the plot of farmland. They didn’t exchange any words, a fact that perturbed Ireland more than she’d admit. He was never very talkative, but they could always keep a conversation going. 
Guess some things do change.
“You’re sure about this?” he asked for the second time as they reached the stuck four-wheeler. The next set of events would be messy and wet. Doesn’t sound so bad with Gideon involved. She bit her tongue to deter any further thoughts down that rabbit hole.
Ireland snatched the hooded sweatshirt from the back seat and pulled it on. It smelled like Gideon, and she couldn’t help but inhale deeply, memories flooding her mind at the simple act. 
Eventually the rain outside pulled her out of her Gideon stupor and she flipped the hood over her hair. “I may have millions in the bank, but rain won’t melt me.” When he didn’t budge, she added, “Move your ass, Taggart.”
“Okay, you asked for it.” He handed her the keys. “You hop on and I’ll hook it up to my truck.”
They rushed out of the cab’s safety. Mud instantly stuck to Ireland’s boots, but she trudged through until she reached the abandoned machine. Gideon made quick work of the winch and patted the hood.
“All right, when I give you the thumbs-up, floor it,” he hollered from the driver seat.
Ireland started the four-wheeler and waited for her cue. Ironically, she felt completely content, mud-caked and all. Whether it was with Gideon or simply being back in Iowa, she couldn’t pin it down to one thing. She’d stayed away too long. Especially when Gideon looks like a freaking lumberjack model. She tried to stop her line of thought before it got away from her. Fantasizing about him wouldn’t do her any good. 
Gideon held up his thumb and she cranked her wrist backward. Mud splattered from the tires, slapping up and landing on her. She laughed at how horrible she must look.
The four-wheeler slowly wiggled free of the rut, a low groan emitting from the front end. Once it was on level ground, Gideon stopped and ran toward her.
“You good?”
Ireland wiped her hands on the front of the sweatshirt, though it didn’t help much since that was coated in mud too. “Hell yeah.” She grinned. “This reminds me of when we used to go mudding.”
Gideon pulled the ramps from the bed of the truck and lined them up on the ground. “Those were some good times.” She shivered at the steamy memories, and he paused as if he was also thinking of what they used to do after their adrenaline-pumped high. He coughed, then nodded to the newly rescued vehicle. “I’ll drive it up the ramp if you guide me.”
It didn’t take long to get the four-wheeler into the truck bed. Silently, they strapped it down and then jumped back into the truck. They worked well as a team. Something she’d taken for granted years ago.
“Thanks for your help.” He turned on the defroster and rubbed his hands together. “I like this look on you,” he said, surveying the muddy damage. “Less preppy millionaire heir, more country girl having a good time.”
Pushing back a bit of hair that strayed from her ponytail, Ireland eyed her clothes. “I look like I fell in a mud puddle and wrestled a pig.”
Gideon leaned over and wiped off a smudge on her face with his thumb. “I still say you’re beautiful.”
Ireland’s cheeks flushed and she laughed nervously. “Yeah, okay.”
“I’m serious, Ireland.” He tipped up her chin with his index finger. His starry blue eyes clashed with hers at the same time a clap of thunder resounded above them. “You are the most beautiful person I’ve ever met.”
She rolled her eyes. “You’ve never been outside the USA, Gideon. You can’t honestly think—"
Gideon’s lips covered hers, silencing the rest of her rambling. A million fireflies might as well have burned her stomach from the reaction her body demanded. The earthy scent of rain and dirt mingled together on his soft yet determined lips. Her eyes slid shut automatically, senses on high alert. She expected his beard to scratch her face, but it merely enhanced the possessive kiss.
Gideon drew back until a breath was the only thing between them. His heavy lids opened and his blue gaze glued her to the seat. “I don’t need to go anywhere to know how gorgeous you are.” 
He traced her bottom lip with his thumb, and all Ireland wanted to do was dart her tongue out and taste him again. She was rapidly losing all self-control around him. If she had her way, they’d stay right there in the middle of the field and repeat that kiss until it stopped raining.

Atlas, book 1

Hearts Abroad

Skye McNeil began writing at the age of seventeen and has been lost in a love affair ever since. During the day, she moonlights as a paralegal at a law firm favouring criminal law.

Skye enjoys writing romantic comedies and cozy mysteries novels that leave readers wanting more and falling in love over and over. She writes contemporary and historical novels ranging from sweet and sassy to steamy and sultry.

Her constant writing companions are two cats and two dogs. When she’s not writing, Skye enjoys spending time with family, photography, volleyball, traveling, and curling up with a cup of coffee and reading.

Sign up for Skye's newsletter HERE.

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Master of Revenge by Sienna Snow & Giveaway

Title: Master of Revenge
Series: Gods of Vegas #3
Author: Sienna Snow
Genre: Dark Romance/Contemporary
Release Date: July 31, 2019


We are rivals. Sworn enemies. And he is the only man to ignite a fire in my soul.

I walk a fine line between control and chaos, defined by my past and driven by my future. Nothing can stop me from protecting those I love.

Zack Lykaios is cunning and dangerous. He wants to destroy everything I've built on his ruthless march to the top.

All that I am, or ever will be, says I should avoid him.

Still, I've been tempted. One card game. One night of all-consuming passion. One craving I can't deny. One need I can never quench.

Wanting him can only lead to disaster. Loving him is guaranteed to destroy my world.

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Also Available



Author Bio

Inspired by her years working in corporate America, Sienna loves to serve up stories woven around confident and successful women who know what they want and how to get it, both in - and out - of the bedroom.

Her heroines are fresh, well-educated, and often find love and romance through atypical circumstances.  Sienna treats her readers to enticing slices of hot romance infused with empowerment and indulgent satisfaction.

Sienna loves the life of travel and adventure.  She plans to visit even the farthest corners of the world and delight in experiencing the variety of cultures along the way. When she isn't writing or traveling, Sienna is working on her "happily ever after" with her husband and children.

Author Links

One Short Summer by Jasmin Miller & Giveaway

Title: One Short Summer
Series: Brooksville #2
Author: Jasmin Miller
Genre: Sweet Contemporary Romance
Release Date: July 31, 2019


A sweet, flirty, and heartfelt romance with two roommates that spend one enthralling summer together.

After her car accident, Monica believes her dance career is over, despite the positive outlook everyone else has. Instead of trying to get back on her feet, she works on perfecting the art of couch surfing.

Famous author, Gabe Mitchell, doesn’t fare much better. On top of watching his roommate letting her life pass by, he also suffers from a major bout of writer’s block.

Hoping a change of scenery will get them both out of their rut, Gabe takes matters into his own hands and whisks Monica away to his own personal haven.

What neither one of them expects is the attraction to each other to bloom even though Monica will leave Brooksville in a matter of weeks.

Their time together is filled with skimpy bathing suits, sexy fantasy book inspirations, hot tub make-out sessions, and new job prospects.

It’s plenty to reignite their creative flames, but will it be enough to turn their one short summer into something more?

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Free in Kindle Unlimited


Pulling out the barstool beside her, I sit down, wanting to be on her eye level. It takes me bumping my knees into hers for her to look at me, but at least she finally does. “Hey! Remember it’s me you’re talking to. We’ve been sharing a house for most of the last year. That’s pretty much as close as anyone has ever been to me, not that I would do this for just anyone. You’re a very sweet, kind, caring, and talented person. You need to get it in your pretty head that you don’t owe me a thing. I’d do it all over again in a heartbeat.”

My words don’t exactly trigger the response I intended as I watch the pink tinge travel up Monica’s neck and cheeks before she covers her face with her hands. “Oh gosh. Stop it already. I can't remember the last time I blushed. How embarrassing.”


I’m absolutely stunned she’s reacting this way.

It’s also interesting she can still surprise me after we’ve known each other all this time.

Also Available


Free in Kindle Unlimited

Author Bio

Jasmin Miller is a professional lover of books and cake (preferably together) as well as a fangirl extraordinaire. She loves to read and write kissing books and never misses a chance to swoon over characters. Originally from Germany, she now lives in the western US with her husband and three little humans that keep her busy day and night.

Author Links

Dirty Pitch by A.M. Williams

Title: Dirty Pitch
Author: A.M. Williams

Kindle Unlimited!
Available for Pre-Order!

Series: Boys of Summer; Book 1
Genre: Sports Romance

It's all fun and games until someone loses an eye .. or you wake up in Vegas married with no memory of the event. 

Callie has no time for a relationship. Who needs the hassle of a constant man when she can just run through a line of boytoys with little issue?

Derek was attracted to Callie from the moment he saw her. From her black hair, to her green eyes, he wanted it all. The only problem? She wasn't interested.

It all goes sideways at a bachelor and bachelorette party and they end up tied together in an unimaginable way. Will they be just another statistic or will they figure out they're meant to be together?

Dirty Pitch is the first book in A.M. Williams new series The Boys of Summer. It has hot men in tight pants, a splash of baseball, and as always, a happily ever after.

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About the Author

A.M. Williams is just a simple girl from the south that found herself abroad. When she's not annoying her cat or reading, she's spending time with her husband and traveling as much as possible. She has a serious case of wanderlust and wants to go as many places as possible while she can. She loves Cheerwine, sweet tea, and North Carolina (eastern style) BBQ as well as those crystal clear waters on the North Carolina coast.



Love's Remains by Jacqueline Simon Gunn (Contemporary Romance) & Giveaway

On Tour with Prism Book Tours

Book Tour Grand Finale for
Love's Remains
By Jacqueline Simon Gunn

We hope you enjoyed the tour! If you missed any of the stops
you'll find snippets, as well as the link to each full post, below:

Launch - Author Interview

What do you hope readers take with them after they’ve read it?

I hope that readers will find something of themselves, something relatable within each character that will offer insight into their own relationships and choices and/or the possibility to think about their relationships differently. So many people find themselves in difficult relationships, holding on when it’s painful, staying when they want to go, being pulled toward the wrong people, not loving those who love them. The answers to these questions are complicated and not the same for everyone. That’s why I chose a fictional format as opposed to non-fiction. Instead of telling readers what they should do or advising, I wanted to give them the opportunity to see various relationship situations in action and then show “why,” show the motivation for the characters’ actions. I hoped by revealing the psychology through the characters, readers would find their own answers upon reflection. But the book is filled with drama and tension and like any other fiction writer, I hope my readers will enjoy the story.

underneath the covers - Guest Post

What does Alex learn from moving on?

Sometimes when we love we give so much of ourselves that when the relationship isn’t working it’s very hard to let go; our sense of self is invested and embedded in the relationship. We create illusions and hold on to them to make staying make sense. We create narratives to excuse behavior towards us that makes us feel bad. . .

E-Romance News - Excerpt

I pulled her against me as we walked. We had taken our shoes off and were strolling along the edge of the ocean, the water washing in and out splashing against our feet. She loved the ocean at night, same as I do.

“Let’s go in,” she said.

“We are a little overdressed.” I raised my brow. She was always full of surprises. As self-conscious as she said she felt, she did things that reflected her freedom or her desire for it. Just like me. It was intoxicating to be with a woman who I didn’t feel like I’d be tied down by. Someone I could want to be with all the time, not feel like I had to be with.

Colorimetry - Guest Post

Do we love people forever?

Since Love’s Remains explores what’s left between two people after the relationship is gone, people have written in and asked me if I think we ever truly get over someone. Love’s Remains addresses this theme in both romantic and non-romantic relationships. So, for example, Will has an estranged relationship with his father and new issues arise for him in the context of this relationship. The story shows that although he barely talks to his dad, there are ‘remains’ of that relationship within him that affect him in ways that he might not have even realized until he’s confronted with the unresolved emotions. . .

Jess : Which usually comes first for you, the character(s), story or the idea for the novel?

Jacqueline : Before I even begin writing a book, I usually have a vague sense of the story and the underlying themes I’d like to explore. When I actually start pounding the keyboard, I begin with the development of my main characters, holding the story in the back of my mind, but letting the characters sort of take over the direction. It’s like being a passenger. I’m there, but I’m not driving once we get going.

Wishful Endings - Guest Post

Why do we love, love stories?

If you think about any movie or book, even those that aren’t in the romance genre, there’s often a subplot that involves a romance or teases us with the possibility of one. When people come into therapy, no matter what the presenting complaint is, relationships inevitably become a central topic. . .
Paulette's Papers - Guest Post

Why do you usually write from multiple points of view?

Most of my fiction books have at least three points of view. I do this because I want to understand what’s motivating each character, and I want my readers to see that choices do not happen in a vacuum. Every decision made has an impact on those close to us and then those close to them and so on. In this way, there are always webs between groups of people even when the connections are not obvious and/or the relationships are remote. . .

I'm All About Books - Guest Post

What does the relationship between Alex and Cecilia reveal?

The unfolding of the friendship between Alex and Cecilia was unexpected. At first, Cecilia was meant to be a secondary character, but the deeper I got into the story the more fascinated I became with her psychological make-up, her background and her decisions. Her unpredictability had me captivated. . .

“You’ve ruined my life.”

“I thought we were waaaay past this.”

“That’s easy for you to say. I didn’t hurt you over and over and over.”

“I hurt myself by hurting you.” His face wore a look of compassion. I hated that look, because it reminded me that he was a good person, that he had tried over and over to apologize. He unwittingly brought out the part of me that I hated, and I projected that hate onto him, because it was easier to hate someone else than to hate myself. Tears poured out of my eyes. And he wrapped his arms around me, holding me as wept.

Don't forget to enter the giveaway at the end of this post, if you haven't already...

Love's Remains
(Where You'll Land #2)
By Jacqueline Simon Gunn
Women’s Fiction, Contemporary Romance
Paperback & ebook, 250 Pages
June 4th 2019

The second year of graduate school started out as a new beginning. I felt stronger. My heart had stitched itself up. I had finally healed enough on the inside to let love flourish once again. But an ever-present ex-boyfriend made the unresolved emotions between us impossible to ignore.

Then new complications emerged: Said ex-boyfriend began dating Cecilia, who just happened to be the ex-girlfriend of my new love interest. I should have hated her. I wanted to hate her. But, I have to admit, I liked her.

As the semester progressed, the tangled web between us deepened in ways I never could have anticipated, and it spread to those closest to us. We had the same classes, the same friends, the same interests. Then, of course, there were all the secrets, some of which could ruin the love I believed I wanted, I deserved.

Once again, I got pulled into the dizzying vortex of all that remained unfinished. And doubt crept in. Had I really healed enough to make myself vulnerable again? Had I made the right choices?

But the big question is: Can we ever really leave past relationships behind?

This is the second book in the Where You'll Land series, but can be read as a stand-alone.

Other Books in the Series

Where You'll Land
(Where You'll Land #1)
By Jacqueline Simon Gunn
Women’s Fiction, Contemporary Romance
Paperback & ebook, 408 Pages
January 8th 2019

After a bad breakup, I packed up my life and moved to Miami to study for my doctorate in psychology. I made one promise to myself: Do not get romantically involved while I was in school. I needed to heal. And then Will Easton came into my life. He was warm and sweet and intelligent. And he got me. What I didn’t know was that Will was running from a tragedy of his own.

When you try to escape your past without confronting your emotions, you repeat those same past patterns over and over. And that’s just what happened to Will and me, along with a few others who got swept up into the storm that was our relationship. Then came the awful secret. The one that changed everything.

Sometimes the most painful relationships are the ones that help us grow into who we are and to find the love we had been searching for all along.

Which begs the question: Can we choose who we love?

About the Author

Jacqueline Simon Gunn is a Manhattan-based clinical psychologist and writer. She has authored two non-fiction books, and co-authored two others. She has published many articles, both scholarly and mainstream, and currently works as a freelance writer. With her academic and clinical experience in psychology, Gunn is now writing psychological fiction. Her Close Enough to Kill series, explores the delicate line between passion and obsession, love and hate, and offers readers an elaborate look into the mind of a murderer.

In addition to her clinical work and writing, Gunn is an avid runner and reader. She is currently working on multiple writing projects, including three romance novels.

Tour Giveaway

One winner will receive:
  • A Kindle Copy of Where You'll Land
  • A Kindle Copy of Love's Remains
  • A $10 Amazon Gift Card
Open to Kindle users
Ends July 31, 2019

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Real Rocks

Real Rocks by Julie Archer
The Rocks Duet No2
Stay away from bad boys…
That’s what Saff Barnes thought she’d done when she fell for Tris Judd for real.
When her band goes on tour with the current darlings of the indie rock world, little does she realise how bad lead singer Scott Lincoln can really be.
A fake post of Scott’s goes viral and threatens Saff and Tris’s relationship as the channels of communication between them become broken.
And just as hearts are mended, another bombshell jeopardises their future together.
“Strong, sassy, sexy…and that’s just the characters!”
Julie Archer is the author of contemporary romances with steamy times and drama, but always a happy ending!
She lives in Devon in the UK with Mr A and two feline children, Corey and Elsa. Also, indie rock and COYS.
Find out more about Julie and her books here: 



This post is part of a virtual book tour organized by Goddess Fish Promotions. William Quincy Belle will be awarding a $25 Amazon/BN GC or PayPal cash to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour. Click on the tour banner to see the other stops on the tour.

A Post-apocalyptic Sci-Fi thriller.

Several hundred years in the future, Earth is a different planet. Antigravity has been invented and “flying” has given way to “floating”: giant platforms with cities remain above the growing surface temperatures as enclaves of the privileged. A global pandemic has wiped out 80% of those on the ground, and a virulent, flesh-eating disease, necrofasc, has left most with artificial body parts. Insects are the main food staple. A utopia for some, a dystopia for others.

Metrofloat New York, a futuristic city of thirty million, is run by an oligarchy of five rich and powerful people. An unknown assassin, working from within the system, attempts to seize control and declare himself dictator by methodically removing all rivals. Detective Matthew Heart of the Metropolitan Police must deal with his partner, a cyborg policewoman, his unofficial family, a transgender woman and her one-legged daughter, and a mysterious assailant bent on taking over the world by killing anyone who stands in his way.

Read an Excerpt:

A tiny noise came from his work area in the corner. Turning, he pointed the pistol in that direction, but it was difficult to see in the subdued light. He could feel his heart beating. Someone was here. Someone was waiting for the right moment.

As he stared into the corner, trying to discern any movement, something registered in his peripheral vision. But it was too late. A hand grabbed the gun and twisted forward while another grabbed his forearm and twisted backward. Willard had tensed his finger and the pistol fired at the couch, scorching the fabric.

The gun wrenched from his hand, Willard turned toward his attacker and swung the sword in an arc over his shoulder. The blade hit the attacker’s upper arm with a thud and buried itself deep in the limb. There was no blood. Willard’s eyes widened as he realized what he had cut into was not human flesh.

The assailant tossed the pistol to one side and seized the blade, pulling upward to remove it from his arm and back to yank the handle out of Willard’s hand. He tossed the sword aside, and it jangled against the floor. Willard leaped and kicked the intruder in the stomach, causing the assailant to lose his balance and fall backward. Willard dove for the pistol, twisted around, and took aim. There was no sign of his attacker.

About the Author:
William Quincy Belle is just a guy. Nobody famous; nobody rich; just some guy who likes to periodically add his two cents worth with the hope, accounting for inflation, that $0.02 is not over evaluating his contribution. He claims that at the heart of the writing process is some sort of (psychotic) urge to put it down on paper and likes to recite the following, which so far he hasn't been able to attribute to anyone: "A writer is an egomaniac with low self-esteem." You will find Mr. Belle's unbridled stream of consciousness floating around in cyberspace.

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Not Without Me

  Author:   Maria Dean Title:  Not Without Me Genre:  Contemporary Romance Subgenre: Second-Chance Romance Release Date:  July 26, 2024 Pub...