Friday, June 21, 2024

The Last Leviathan


Author: Anacostia Miller
Title: The Last Leviathan
Series: The Guardians of Farlight Isles Book 1
Genre: Romantasy
Release Date: June 21, 2024
Publisher: Hot Tree Publishing
Cover Designer: BookSmith Design


No one is going to save me, so I’m going to do it myself.

Maeve Cross never felt like a princess. She didn’t belong in a high tower, married off to the highest bidder. She ached for freedom. A longing for the sea that she didn’t understand. After being pushed over the edge, she runs, taking her destiny in her own hands for the first time in her life.

She stows away on a pirate ship because she would rather walk the plank than share her awful husband’s bed.

Captain Leviathan has three goals in life: keep his crew alive, fill their pockets, and protect them from the Cross family of tyrants. He never accounted for Maeve. Not once.

They can’t help themselves by the bonds of fate that tie them together. Not even as they deny each other their attraction.

After all, a tyrant’s daughter and a scorned captain couldn’t possibly work. Could it?

But fate has other plans as the mysteries surrounding Farlight Isles start to unravel like a loose thread. Every new thread leaves Maeve questioning everything her father taught her as it challenges her own identity.

Despite it all, Maeve saw that the only constant… was Captain Leviathan.

Anacostia Miller is a novelist and screenwriter with a background in filmmaking and prop creation. After ten years of writing and two years of ghostwriting, she found her niche in romantasy. She loves exploring different themes like found family and showcasing inclusivity.

World-building and developing intricate histories in her novels are some of her favorite things to do. She also grew up on classics like The Lord of the Rings and Buffy the Vampire Slayer, which have inspired her writing. Developing complicated lore and having moments of happiness are vital to the stories. Also, humor plays a big part. As dark as things will get, readers can always hold out for that moment of happiness to make it worth it.

During her days, you can find her trying out a new recipe to figure out how to describe it in her writing, daydreaming, or annoying her husband by telling him exactly how the lighting conveys emotion in every movie they watch together.

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Always and Forever Series



 Get swept away by Nora Bloom’s romantic Always and Forever trilogy! 

A Sister’s Secret

The Forever and Always Series Book 3

by Nora Bloom

Genre: Contemporary Romance

Newly married, Oliver and Lisa are having the time of their lives in their small Alaskan town. The kids are thriving, and so is the family business. The café and woodshop are everything Oliver and Lisa dreamt of, and they almost believe they have it all.

Until their world is shattered by the news of Oliver’s sister’s death.

Death by suicide, the police say.

The local sheriff arrives at the café and tells them the news, and Oliver must face his past, something that threatens to drag him down into an unseen darkness. Oliver starts to drink, and it threatens to tear their family apart.

Determined to heal Oliver’s wound and keep her family together, Lisa investigates his sister’s disappearance ten years ago. The more she digs, the more dangerous it gets until she realizes she has put her own family in great danger. She uncovers an unsettling secret that has been buried for years underneath the small town’s thick ice.

A Sister’s Secret is the third and last installment in the Forever and Always trilogy by romance author Nora Bloom.

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The One That Got Away

The Forever and Always Series Book 2

Oliver and Lisa are living the dream. They are enjoying life with each other in their small Alaskan town. They started a café and woodshop together, and everything seemed complete with the birth of their little daughter, Julia.

Until someone from Oliver’s past shows up, holding the hand of a young boy. Ava was Oliver’s first great love, who disappeared overnight without a word. Now, she is back and wants to create a family with him and their son. Oliver had prayed for this moment to come, for her to return, but he thought he had moved on.

What will he do next?

What about his new family? Will he have to let them go to be a father to the son he didn’t know he had?

Is he still in love with Ava, and can he really trust her?

The One That Got Away is the second book in the Forever and Always trilogy created by romance author Nora Bloom.

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The Lies We Live By

The Forever and Always Series Book 1

 Oliver Thomasson has it all together.
He grew up in the same small Alaskan fishing town by the ocean where he still lives, and he has become a fisherman just like his father and grandfather before him. He has no plans to fall in love, but plans—as we all know—have a tendency to change.

Lisa Montgomery is new in town.
She has never lived in Alaska before but quickly settles into this small and welcoming town. She has no plans to fall in love either. In fact, it’s the last thing on her mind as she starts her new job at the local tavern.

Until she meets Oliver, and everything changes. Lisa tries to fight it since this is definitely not a complication she needs in her life.
Despite her reluctance, Oliver doesn’t give up, and soon, she finds herself falling for this stoic fisherman with a heart of gold.

But Lisa doesn’t talk about her past, and soon, it catches up to her, bringing a fierce storm to the quaint town and especially into Oliver’s life.

The question is if they can weather it together, or will they fall apart?

Is their newfound love enough to face the demons of Lisa's past?

The Lies We Live By is the first book in the Forever and Always trilogy by romance author Nora Bloom.

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Nora Bloom is a distinguished author, recognized for her best-selling romance novels. Her works seamlessly blend elements of suspense and mystery, creating a unique literary experience. Outside of her professional endeavors, she dedicates her time to her family, which includes her children, two cats, and a Goldendoodle.

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Thursday, June 20, 2024

Romancing the Tropics Volume 2



These five short tropical romances, spanning from 1901 to the present day, will put you in the mood for sunshine and love. 

Romancing the Tropics

Volume 2

with stories by Leah Miles, Sara J. Walker, Vanessa Victoria Kilmer, Erika Kilmer Freidly, L.J. Green

Genre: Sweet Romance Anthology 

These five short tropical romances, spanning from 1901 to the present day, will put you in the mood for sunshine and love. This collection offers sweet to edgy stories perfect for lazing on the beach or poolside.

Join these couples as they defy the conventions and expectations of their worlds to embrace love’s fullest connection with their happily ever after waiting to be discovered.

Here’s what's inside:

Not Another Jack by Leah Miles

Her final wedding gig takes an unexpected turn when a hunky Navy SEAL crashes the party, reigniting old flames and stirring new misunderstandings amidst the choppy seas of love.

The Gardener’s Secret by Sara J. Walker

In the tranquil beauty of the Keys, love and deception collide. Will their journey lead to healing or heartbreak?

Catch As Catch Can by Vanessa Victoria Kilmer

A private investigator is out to find an online hacker of billions of dollars. Will she catch the thief or find someone even more valuable on Grand Cayman Island?

R&R, and a Rescue by Erika Kilmer Freidly

A couple of soulmates travel to St. Thomas for a much-needed vacation. They get caught up in the theft of Blackbeard’s coin.

Where Trade Winds Meet by L.J. Green

This story captures the blossoming connection between William and Muriel as they bond over their shared dreams of exploration and adventure, defying societal expectations and forging a deep, resolute bond in the vibrant setting of Key West, Florida in 1910.

Proceeds benefit the First Coast Romance Writers, an independent non-profit organization that helps writers hone their craft and expand their knowledge of the publishing industry.

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The authors participating in this anthology are members of First Coast Romance Writers (FCRW), and proceeds from this anthology benefit their organization. FCRW is a non-profit that welcomes both published and unpublished authors, as well as any individuals involved in writing and publishing. The chapter is dedicated to promoting excellence in romantic fiction through monthly meetings and workshops in a comfortable forum. They strive to help writers establish careers by providing innovative programs, networking opportunities and pertinent information on effective marketing techniques. Learn more about FCRW online at 

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 A whistleblower, a fatal car crash, and a ghastly coverup.

Risk is nothing when you have nothing left to lose.


by Lisa Towles

Genre: Psychological Thriller

A whistleblower, a fatal car crash, and a ghastly coverup. Risk is nothing when you have nothing left to lose.

FBI Agent Angus Mariner is off-grid after losing his beloved wife in a tragic car accident. Out of nowhere, he's approached by an eccentric old man, a billionaire, who gives him a three-million-dollar gift...and is discovered dead the next day. Mariner becomes a person of interest and later a suspect in that investigation as well as the death of a vagrant found on the beach near his residence. While investigating the dizzying turn of events, he is contacted by a journalist, who shares details of secret work his wife had been doing just before her fatal accident. Digging into what feels like unlikely allegations brings him to two unthinkable truths: his wife was a whistleblower about to expose a ring of corruption linked to the eccentric old man, and the fatal car crash was no accident. Out on a limb with no one left to trust, he must decide if he alone can expose the organization's terrifying agenda and bring meaning to his life's greatest loss.

Fans of Robert Ludlum's Jason Bourne series will love Lisa Towles' new fast-paced psychological thriller.

Fast paced and ingenious” - The Prairies Book Review

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Lisa Towles is an Amazon bestselling, award-winning crime novelist and a passionate speaker on the topics of fiction writing, creativity, and self care. She has eleven crime thrillers in print with a new title, Codex, forthcoming in June of 2024. Her latest psychological thriller, Terror Bay, won a BookFest Award, a Crimson Quill award from BookViral, a NYC Big Book Award, and a Literary Titan gold medal for crime fiction. Her June 2023 release, Salt Island, won five literary awards including Pencraft and Readers Favorite. Salt Island is the second book in her E&A Investigations series following Hot House (June, 2022). Lisa is a member of Mystery Writers of America, Sisters in Crime, and International Thriller Writers and hosts an author interview series on YouTube called Story Impact. She has an MBA in IT Management and works full-time in the tech industry in the San Francisco Bay area.

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Wednesday, June 19, 2024

The Hubble


The Hubble
Cindy Kehagiaras
(Tennent Surf, #3)
Publication date: June 26th 2024
Genres: Adult, Contemporary, Romance

Kelly, aka Katia, and more alias’ is ready to leave her job as the cyber specialist for an international clandestine group of “fixers” and return to her hometown in Orange County, California, and her first love, Brad Tennent. She’d only met him once eight years ago; her hacking experience allowed her to follow Brad over the years and learn exactly what kind of girls he liked. Blonde, flirty and ditzy. And that’s exactly who she will become. She needn’t have bothered with the dye job, spray tan, and dumb act. He was smitten at their first meeting with the weird goth girl, her bossy opinions, and her stunning lips and cheekbones. He’d compared every woman to her for eight years. Brad, known as the pretty boy heir to The Tennent Surf Company, lets everyone in his life make decisions for him. He spent his days surfing, dating many women, and partying. But meeting the strange, judgmental girl years before and her insistence that he could do anything he put his mind to made him question his entire life.

“The Hubble” is the third book in The “Tennent Surf” series, PREQUEL to “The Perpetual” and “The Dasher”.

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Author Bio:

"The Perpetual," my over 40-second chance romance, has won the coveted "Stiletto Award" by Contemporary Romance Writers in the Mid-length Contemporary Romance category.

BIO: My writing journey began after my 50th birthday, and the pandemic lockdown allowed me to write. Some of my stories have haunted my dreams for decades. When the characters shouted day and night, I knew I had to write about them. These days I love to read and write stories about second chances with GenX characters in over 40, later in life, and mature steamy romances.

My previous lives have been in advertising, fashion, and small business owner. I've made it my life’s ambition to push through the challenges of dyslexia to consume novels, poetry, and articles and tell my stories.

A proud native Californian, I live in Hermosa Beach, CA, with my husband of 17 years, two beautiful kids, and two spunky-rescue kitties.

Please find me on all social media platforms.


Cindy is giving away a copy of The Hubble on Goodreads!

Enter to win here!

The Maker of Worlds


The Maker of Worlds
David Litwack
Publication date: May 22nd 2024
Genres: Fantasy, New Adult, Young Adult

If you had the chance to remake the world, what kind of world would you choose?

When tragedy strikes Lucas Mack’s young life, he desperately yearns to escape its sorrow, and takes an improbable leap through the mythical maelstrom. Rather than splashing down on the far side like his neighbors, he’s transported to a magical realm where he has the power to redefine not only who he is, but the world in which he resides.

As he stumbles about trying to find his way, he meets Mia, an equally troubled fellow pilgrim. With the help of a mystical guide and an aging wizard, they navigate the enchanted land while learning to control their newfound powers. Yet this realm is more complex than they expected, with seasoned sorcerers who’ve been corrupted by the sinister side of magic.

Limited by natural law and seduced by magic’s power, they are tested as never before. Will the gift of magic bring renewed hope or drive them to the edge of the void?

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In the light of pre-dawn, and in my half-awake state, no difference struck me at first, other than the chill waters deeper than expected, soaking the rolls of my trousers. Out of the mist on either side, giant evergreens loomed graceful as usual, rising until their tops blurred. The view so distracted me that several heartbeats passed before I realized the change.

Perhaps I was still sleeping in my bed, for where the channel to the west lake should have been, a broad flood plain spread. The water had washed over the banks and crept inland for a hundred paces, leaving the trees the only witness to what once had been dry land.

Beyond the trees, nothing.

Nowhere a dock or a mooring, not so much as a hint of early morning smoke rising from a chimney. Nowhere the cottages of Queen’s Hill. Nowhere houses at all. As I gaped, the edges of branches shimmered as if undecided whether to remain intangible or become real. In a panic, I realized the folly of this quest. Better to return to a safer, albeit gloomier life, to go back through the portal at once.

Behind me, the maelstrom still swirled, a fleeting comfort as it had started to recede. While I stared at the last link to my old world, the orb diminished, shrunk to a size I could cover with my hand, and then to that of the tip of my thumb. Before I sloshed more than two steps closer, it winked out.

Now, to the north and the south, nothing showed but water. I stumbled to shore, my movements causing the slightest wake in the surface, which lay so still I could make out my astonished features in the reflection.

I’d spent much of my young life with Addy, like a mate sailing across a forever lake. She’d been with me through calm and storm. I’d yearned to find renewed hope on this side of the gateway and return home to a new life, yet now the gateway, like Addy, had vanished.

Author Bio:

The urge to write first struck at age sixteen when working on a newsletter at a youth encampment in the woods of northern Maine. It may have been the wild night when lightning flashed at sunset followed by the northern lights rippling after dark. Or maybe it was the newsletter's editor, a girl with eyes the color of the ocean. But he was inspired to write about the blurry line between reality and the fantastic.

Using two fingers and lots of white-out, he religiously typed five pages a day throughout college and well into his twenties. Then life intervened. He paused to raise two sons and pursue a career, in the process -- and without prior plan -- becoming a well-known entrepreneur in the software industry, founding several successful companies. When he found time again to daydream, the urge to write returned.

David now lives in the Great Northwest. He no longer limits himself to five pages a day and is thankful every keystroke for the invention of the word processor.

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Dark and Lovely Mermaids


Dark and Lovely Mermaids
Julie Catherine
(Broken Mermaids, #2)
Publication date: June 11th 2024
Genres: Adult, Paranormal, Romance

Mermen. Monsters. And a lot of Manipulation. An at-odds prisoner (merman) and warden (mermaid) are about to set off to cross the deep ocean and end up running for their lives. Dive into the twisted waters of Dark and Lovely Mermaids, a forced proximity, enemies to lovers paranormal romance where the love is deep and the ocean is wild.

Ellara Merme made a bad deal. To save her friends and human sweetheart, she agreed to become a sea-slave, the lowest class in the mermaid world. It’s hell on earth, at the bottom of the ocean. A terrible choice. The only decision that’s worse, is the choice she’s about to make.

The leader of the mermaids has offered her an out: Deliver the merman prisoner to Neptune’s army and all will be forgiven. No problem. Should be an easy mission. Except…

… the deep ocean is full of sea monsters itching to make the mermaid their next meal.

… plus she might be catching feelings for the merman she’s supposed to be delivering. Could he possibly be so charming? Or are there other manipulations at play?

With danger crashing with every wave, Ellara has to decide: should she stick to the plan and save herself from sea-slavery? Or dive headfirst into the waters of romance? Can she outsmart the ocean and resist the merman’s charms? Or will she end up making an even worse bargain to survive?

Dark and Lovely Mermaids is a thrilling, loyalty-testing, romantic underwater adventure full of monsters, natural disasters and an army of mermen—an underwater story so enchanting you ¬won’t want to come up for air!

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Who should go? Among us, there is a mermaid brave enough, wise enough, and strong enough to do this task? To journey alone. To finish what must be done. To save our kingdom from Poseidon’s spy work. Ellara Merme.”

Petra thrust me forward and lifted the hand she still held in a victorious pose.

All of Merme erupted in whoops and cries.

I plastered a foolish smile upon my cheeks.

All this adoration was for me? What a joke.

I was a hoax standing here, paraded out to the town, in my new silver hair. They were acting like I was some sort of savior, but in reality I was just a jerk they could blackmail into completing the task. So desperate to become a Fert, I’d risk my life.

“Smile,” Petra hissed.

“I am smiling.”


A hollow grin pushed up the corners of my lips. I tried to hide the terror behind my eyes. Petra swooped me forward ’til I was side-by-side with Quinn. The leader held up my other arm. I tried not to faint.

“Ellara Merme is our courageous warrior, our mighty Merme.” Quinn said. “She brought the terrible merman’s presence to the attention of the Pause. Ellara brought him down in the fight during the storm. She has killed a Portrayan Kingfisher Crab, manipulated human women into becoming her friends, and she has bedded hundreds of men.”

How about one. The day after my transition was over.

I wanted to vomit in my own mouth.

At best, these claims were a wild twisting of the truth. At worst, the city of Merme had just been pacified with lies. And promises that couldn’t come true. Somewhere in the crowd, I imagined Blonde craning her neck, rolling her eyes. Quinn was making me out to be some sort of super woman. It couldn’t have been farther from the truth. But the women of Merme didn’t care. They just wanted to be safe.

“Ellara Merme was blessed by Abigailya, the sea witch. In fact, the sorceress bestowed on her the magical third eye.”

Which I still didnt know how to use.

“She defeated a clever water nymph. All by herself.”

I couldn’t stand it anymore. My eyes searched for Blonde. I started to shake my head, no. Petra’s fingernails dug into my palm.

“Play along,” the rainbow-woman hissed. I tightened my smile.

“Ellara Merme is the perfect woman for this mission. A vital soldier. A master mermaid. A linchpin in the success of Neptune’s war. And we will win.” A less experienced orator might have shouted that from the rafters and beaches, but Quinn knew better than that. “We will win,” she whispered, it came out like a shiver. An ear-worm in the brain of every young mermaid. “We will win.” She repeated. Then, finally, she brought the mighty point home. “We. Will. Win!”

Author Bio:

Julie Catherine is an author, screenwriter and playwright.

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Tuesday, June 18, 2024




 These students aren't just bad, they're dangerous. And then there's the principal...


by James Eric Riley

Genre: Fictional Biography

These students aren’t just bad, they’re dangerous. And then there’s the principal...

For Los Angeles teacher Eric Riley, summers off, holidays, and health benefits are all that matters. Why else get into teaching in your forties? With a wife and two young daughters, and a mountain of debt after suffering a broken leg, teaching represents a steady paycheck and time off he’s never experienced.

Riley surviveshis rookie year as a teacher, only to be assigned a class with a special designation: Emotionally Disturbed. He starts the new position, after taking a mandatory training session on the latest approved methods of physical restraint – the delicate name for self-defense when dealing with violent students.

One day, a student attacks Riley – and Riley puts him down hard on the floor. The school principal orders Riley to be placed on administrative leave. During a series of preliminary hearings regarding his status, he realizes that the official version of the incident is changing. When his union and legal representatives appear to be incompetent, he secretly contacts staff members at his school. They break into an administrator’s office and uncover statements and records regarding his suspension that implicate the principal, the district, and even the teachers’ union.

From classic teaching moments to administrator run-ins to a district boardroom showdown, one teacher finds out what he’s good at.

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 James Eric Riley grew up near the rust belt town of Mt. Pleasant, Pennsylvania. He attended Eastern Kentucky University and graduated with a degree in Theater Arts. After years of summer stock and regional theater, he and his wife Jeneva moved to Southern California where they discovered a love of snow skiing and – for Riley – ice skating. But after breaking a leg competing in a short track speed skating event, suddenly teaching seemed like a better idea. His best years were teaching high school, where he finally put his theater background to good use teaching public speaking and writing. Now retired, he and Jeneva live in Independence, Kentucky.

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The Last Leviathan

  Author:  Anacostia Miller Title:  The Last Leviathan Series:   The Guardians of Farlight Isles Book 1 Genre:  Romantasy Release Date:  Jun...