Wednesday, September 9, 2020

Seven Ways to Kill a King (YA Fantasy) & The Italian's Unexpected Heir (Contemporary Romance) & Giveaway


On Tour with Prism Book Tours

We hope you enjoyed the tour! If you missed any of the stops
you'll find snippets, as well as the link to each full post, below:

Launch - Note from the Author

Princess Myrina is done hiding. Determined to remove each of the seven kings who stole her mother’s throne, she has every intention of setting things to right, king by murderous king. Her final mark waits in the castle of Stormskeep where her captive sister--the rightful queen and heir to the kingdom--is held by the worst of the kings. . .

Hallie Reads - Excerpt

“What are you playing at, Miri? You know we’ll never get past the guards. We can’t just waltz into the nearest castle and—” He made a vague gesture Miri supposed meant kill a king then shrugged a shoulder. “We should return to Smithsport. You should get on that ship and sail to somewhere safe.”

Any grace he’d earned the night before was forgotten. Miri leaned close. “My sister is captive to those murderous kings. If you think, for one moment, I prize my safety over hers—” Her words cut off at his look, because Miri knew all too well the sacrifice Cass was willing to make. He’d only wanted to save her and make her see that the path she was taking would be the death of them all. “I release you from your duty,” she said.

"I had so much fun reading this book and following the journey of Miri and Cass in this wonderfully-written fantasy story. As a standalone fantasy book, it was done excellently and no wonder it wasn’t a series or part of a series. The way the author wrote this amazing story proved that this book is good without having to have any continuation. I highly recommend this to those who love reading fantasy books with strong protagonists, plenty of good actions, and memorable story that will always stay with you."

"Seven Ways to Kill a King is the first book I have read by Melissa Wright. It will not be the last. I found the writing and plot to be unique and refreshing. I really enjoyed Cass and Miri's story. I admired the bravery and courage of Miri. The whole book was non stop action and adventure."

Cass leaned down to blow on the flame, and when the light flared, it caught his expression. Miri had thought him angry, and certainly, he was, but something else simmered beneath his displeasure. Terric was a queensguard and had been his friend. Miri hadn’t just risked cost to herself. If Terric didn’t make it, it would cost them both.

Wishful Endings - Review

"I seriously loved reading this! I loved that it was a standalone, which is still rare these days (especially in fantasy). Great characters, an intriguing plot with all the feels, plenty of danger and action, and a sweet romance made for an excellent read. I'm excited to see what comes next from this author!"

"This was definitely a plot driven book. . . . The best bits of the book for me were the sneaking, assassin attempts and the fighting. They author did a great job of creating tension with those. I was definitely interested in how the events would play out and the last third of the book was great as far as a climax of events."

“Chickens. Maybe a doe.” He met her stare. “It’s not the same.”

“It’s not different.” It was. Killing to eat was not killing to kill. Wild game was no man. It was only a meal.

Cass was trying to scare her because of what she’d done and because they were getting closer to Pirn and the nearness of executing her plan. But there was no turning back. She had no other choice.

"This is a great action filled story. Miri and Cass are on the move throughout the entire story. I liked all the characters who were backup help to them. I liked the ending because it wasn't at all how I was predicting it to be. . . . I highly recommend this book to others who like a good adventure."

Bookishlifetime - Review

"I highly enjoyed this book! It was well-written, and highly entertaining. The story is awesome and it has an interesting plot! I also very much enjoyed the characters."

Rincón de Joss - Review

"After getting to the end, I was so satisfied with the story and with the ending, something I liked a lot on this book was the detailed descriptions on it, you could actually imagine every place and every situation, so that made you get very immerse in the story from very early on.
It was an awesome fantasy with lots of drama and a little romance along the way."

Splashes of Joy - Excerpt

Miri had never killed a man. Of course, she’d imagined it. Countless times, she’d envisioned holding each of those kings by the scruff of his neck, tugging his head back, and holding a blade at his throat as she whispered, “The Lion Queen sends her regards.”

She deserved to be scared. But she would not be turned away.

“They’ll do it at the festival,” Miri whispered to the air above her bed. “They’ll drag her into the square dressed in Lion silks. They’ll draw her braid behind her shoulder and wrap her wrists in leather and chains.”

She felt the stillness of Cass and that he did not seem to even draw breath. She wished she’d never spoken, but she couldn’t seem to stop. The kings were only holding Lettie hostage to use as leverage against the sorcerers who were tied to queen’s blood. Once she rose into her full power as heir, Lettie would have to be removed from their game.

"There is much to like in Melissa Wright’s latest book Seven Ways to Kill a King. You have mythical lands, evil kings, and a princess who wants to make it all right again. There is also fighting, mystery, and romance. Melissa Wright has crafted a well-written fantasy that will draw in many readers. It is action-packed and will keep readers reading."

"In a few days, they would pass near Stormhold, named for the first queen of the realm. Miri couldn’t recall the first time she’d seen the gate, but she’d been in awe without exception since. A massive structure stretched so high that one could barely make out the guards at the top, and carved into the stone of the archway was a relief of the Storm Queen herself."

"The author had a great capability to convey the intricacies of Miri's plot and how she would execute them along with Cass, a bloodsworn soldier whose devotion to Miri suggests a more amorous bond. I loved the premise of the story and the foundation that centered on a young woman who took command of her own story, sought justice for the death of her mother, and strove to reclaim her birthright."

Don't forget to enter the giveaway at the end of this post...

Seven Ways to Kill a King
By Melissa Wright
YA Fantasy
Hardcover, Paperback & ebook, 264 Pages
August 10, 2020

She was born a princess. They made her an assassin.

One was an accident. Two a coincidence. By three, they would know. It would be harder, but I would avenge my mother’s death. These kings would pay that price.

Seven cities make up the Storm Queen’s Realm, each of their self-crowned, murderous kings are one of Princess Myrina’s marks. The treasonous curs may have banded together to share a stolen throne, but soon they will fall.

They thought her dead, killed in the massacre. They thought their rule secure, but Myrina of Stormskeep has awoken. With the help of her loyal bloodsworn, the shadow princess of will have her revenge.

For fans of The Witcher and Game of Thrones—a new princess set on vengeance is here to steal your heart.

(Affiliate links included.)

About the Author

Melissa is the author of more than a dozen young adult and fantasy novels and countless to-do lists. Her most popular titles are The Frey Saga and Descendants Series. She’s currently working on the next book, but when not writing can be spotted collecting the things she loves at Goodreads and Pinterest. Contact her through the web at

Tour Giveaway

One winner will receive a copy of SEVEN WAYS TO KILL A KING and a Crown (as pictured), if winner is outside the US a $25 Amazon gift card will be sent instead

Ends September 17, 2020

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  This post is part of a virtual book tour organized by Goddess Fish Promotions . Farid Yaghini will be awarding a $10 Amazon/BN gift card ...