Monday, December 13, 2021



This post is part of a virtual book tour organized by Goddess Fish Promotions. Jake Cavanah will be awarding a $10 Amazon or B/N GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour. Click on the tour banner to see the other stops on the tour.

Once an uninhabited island off the California coast, the government used Morple to quarantine minorities during the sonoravirus pandemic from 2030 to 2045. At its conclusion, Morple became the country’s fifty-first state. This is where sisters Robin Karros’ and Ariana Jackson’s tragic journey began. As two of the first children officials checked into and raised in a state-run program responsible for inflicting severe abuse on Morple’s youth, they shared hardships that strengthened their bond. After a social revolution put an end to the program and freed them, Robin and Ariana went their separate ways. Now that it is 2089 and each has achieved prosperity, their paths intersect after spending the latter portion of their lives apart. Even though it goes against protocol, Ariana reestablishes a relationship with her older sister and integrates with her family. In doing so, she risks her marriage and husband’s business interests, but it causes her to realize she must make up for her life’s biggest mistake. It soon becomes apparent the fate of Robin, Ariana, and others has been more intertwined than they ever could have imagined.

Read an Excerpt

NOTE FROM THE AUTHOR: As much as we hate him, the antagonist moves the needle! The beginning demonstrates he was, what appeared to be, a working man, but then it becomes clear he is deranged in the head. I also believe it contains enough intrigue to get readers interested without spoiling too much of the plot, even though this is significant to the story.

When he wasn’t indulging himself in a novel or soaking in his multimillion dollar vantage point, Reginald often reflected on his accomplishments and miscues. To the dismay of many, accolades riddled Reginald’s resume. He negotiated the details of historical mergers with clean energy companies that heavily impacted Morple’s economy, boosting the state’s impact on the US’ role in clean-energy initiatives across the globe. He bullied through legislation allowing the advancement of A.I. in The District to pass. He orchestrated deals involving Morple-based companies selling clean resources to states running out of them. Reginald’s fingerprints were all over Morple’s foundation. The good and the bad.

The years Reginald mentored Robin and Ariana were the most fulfilling of his life. Possessing that much power over two untouched girls was an incredible opportunity he felt extremely fortunate to experience. Regrettably, Reginald let it get away from him prematurely.

The night he let himself into the Sorens’ shitty apartment and found Robin on the couch alone he knew he had stumbled upon someone special. During their first interaction, he could feel their connection begin to take its shape, as she showcased her toys to him and explained what made each one unique. A gesture he would always remember with great fondness is when he rubbed her soft cheeks with his thumb and she smiled up at him with those jaw-dropping eyes, even so early on in her life. Robin was too young to express her thoughts, but Reginald detected their bond right off the bat. From that point on, everything he did was in an effort to earn Robin’s genuine love. Reginald became more enamored with her as she continued to develop throughout the years. Her body and mind began to take shape at quite a young age, and he considered it a privilege he was the first and, what he thought at the time, the only man who will ever have her. As in love as he was with Robin, Reginald was regularly depressed at his inability to mold her into who he wanted her to be. Yes, he punished her periodically by way of sex, but he had the best of intentions. He thought if he demonstrated what followed unacceptable behavior she would no longer act in that manner. This proved to be counterproductive because her disobedience continued, and she associated them becoming one as a punishment, as opposed to immersing herself in their affliction. If it weren’t for Richard, Reginald would have likely committed suicide well before Morvo, when he realized Robin would never truly love him. A few times standing at the ledge of his property, he almost found enough courage to do it, but he was too much of a coward to act on his true intentions. He told himself it was because he didn’t want to leave Richard without any parents, but the truth was he was too craven. Reginald’s disheartened love life took precedence over his only son’s well-being.

About the Author:
Jake Cavanah is passionate about writing imaginative stories that include messages he wants readers to apply to their own lives, utilize to better understand others, or both. If after reading his work people find themselves more capable of seeing particular situations they encounter from another perspective, he accomplished his goal.

When Jake is not writing he is reading, golfing, playing tennis, cooking, or enjoying the company of his dogs Murphy and Sophie with his girlfriend Scout. Aside from becoming a full-time author, one of Jake's main aspirations is to move to Oregon and start a family.

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