Wednesday, February 9, 2022



How to Control an Entire Planet

by C.D. Hill-Lavalle


GENRE: Religion / Christian Life / Spiritual Growth




Written under the guise of a Sci-Fi thriller, this little book ends up revealing more than just a riveting exposé. It soon reveals the very mysteries our civilization has been searching for, for centuries!

The "five steps" (narrated by an ancient and technologically superior race) tells how they easily set up their control and indoctrination of the planet's populace to fulfill their sinister agenda. Initially seen as a detailed and prophetic set of instructions, the reader will soon suspect: this vague reference to another time and place, to an unknown and primitive world, is too familiar, too real and too foreboding.

All darkness will come to light as you journey down the "rabbit hole of the Matrix", soon revealing the very "Who, What, How and Why" to every major event occurring globally today. More importantly, you'll discover the "simplest" solutions to gain back and enhance your personal freedom, prosperity and future happiness!

It may just change your life and it may just change life as we know it on this planet!

"Fantastic...stimulating!" "One of the most interesting books I've ever read, second only to the Bible!"

Ms. .J. G. Shuker

Great-grandmother & native elder to 14

children, and a retired pharmacist assistant.

"In her new book, Cheryl brings a unique and intriguing viewpoint on the world we live in today." "Thought provoking!"

Jessica Busch, Program Manager

Women's Own Resource Centre



First, let me introduce myself—not by name, as my name is not important, but our story is. I am from a planet outside of your own solar system—an ancient race that has existed a million of your earth years. We are superior to earthlings, having mastered space travel; and we have successfully controlled many planets and their species over the years. Our race lives in the fourth dimension—a dimension that is one higher than your own, rooted in base emotions.”

As a fourth dimensional life-form, I represent a race of beings who feed off fear and chaos. We prefer, however, to get this energy from others, as it has proven rather destructive to our planet when we’ve tried to promote too much of it among ourselves. Fear, especially, is one of the strongest of emotions—for us, a highly invigorating energy. We have also found it effective in controlling the actions of primitive and naïve life-forms.

We differ from you. As an ancient race we are more technologically evolved and advanced; and time for us differs from your own linear time. We have physical traits much different from humans, but possess the technology to disguise our appearance. We are larger and stronger than you, with life spans equal to a thousand of your earth years.

Thousands of years ago we depleted our planet’s resources, forcing us to search out new planets to control and harvest. We used space travel in our invasions and takeovers. We are always on the lookout for planets and beings to control. We prefer dealing with primitive life forms—ones we can more easily exploit and rule over. We have successfully controlled several planets over the ages.

Our last takeover was not as successful as our current one. Life on this planet did not last long enough to gather all the resources we needed. The inhabitant’s fear escalated too far, causing nuclear wars that eventually decimated the inhabitants and their planet. It now sits barren and lifeless; however, we still use it as a valuable outpost.

Our more current conquest is a planet we had been monitoring for some time. It was even richer in resources and just starting to develop intelligent life when we discovered it. Barely an infant in relation to the number of planets existing with life, the inhabitants were in an ideal state of evolution for our control. We later discovered, however, that this planet was under special protection from a more advanced civilization a distance away. This presented a new challenge—finding a way to “secretly” infiltrate this world.


AUTHOR Bio and Links:

Born of humble beginnings, Cheryl could be seen as just an ordinary person; but she's an "old soul" who has had some extra-ordinary experiences in her life. This, her first book (written in a love for humanity), is an accumulation of over fifty years of research and study, validated through personal experience and a host of miraculous events. Initially, this research was for her own personal healing and evolution - to "make a difference" in the world. It now facilitates her gifts as a quiet channel and intuitive healer (hoping to re-open a nature and healing retreat again).

Born with a passion for business, she became the sole income-earner during most of her twenty-seven years of marriage; however, through that experience and business success she also witnessed much injustice, abuse and discrimination, fueled by our current systems. Life eventually took her to see and experience the "other side of the tracks", meeting thousands who were struggling with poverty, illness and addictions—all trying to cope with (or "escape" from) a system that has plagued mankind for centuries, and now, threatens the very planet we reside upon.

She is compelled to share her knowledge and discoveries with the world and "Right the Wrongs" done, so humanity can learn the truth of their existence and their potential for change. After six years of compiling information and unforeseen challenges, this writing has now emerged at what may be considered the perfect time - a time when the world is in massive fear and chaos, with people "questioning" more than ever before, realizing what's really important in life and wanting solutions for their own peace, healing and prosperity. In this "Time of Awakening", it is hoped that many will discover: that ALL life matters and everyone has the potential to heal, prosper and evolve

"naturally", and with grace.

She is hoping, as this book is shared and distributed globally, that she can in some way make the difference she has sought for humanity and for life on our planet, and help others who wish the same.

CONNECT WITH C.D. Hill-Lavalle



PURCHASE LINKS for How to Control a 5 Easy Steps: A Planetary Exposé to Empower Evolving Humans








An event occurred a few days ago that brought tears to my eyes. People were actually coming “Together en Masse”, all for a common cause—FREEDOM!

A massive convoy of transport truck drivers, more than have ever gathered before, from all parts of the country, were heading to Ottawa to support the civil rights and liberties that all Canadians are losing today--mandates and restrictions that have created more deaths and human suffering around the globe than “Covid and its variants have EVER done”! And, the fact that most of the truckers have been vaccinated, shows it was not about this, but about the end of the division and ludicrous restrictions that have been imposed on the Canadian people for profit and control. It was a true “Freedom Convoy” and a sign that the “Great Awakening” is occurring!

Even more heartwarming was the thousands of Canadian families and children, braving frigid winter temperatures, in towns and cities all across Canada, greeting them and cheering them on! The whole world was watching with pride (except, of course, those profiting from this global deception)! PEOPLE in UNISON with a common cause—NOT taking sides re: being vaccinated or not—simply wanting their “Freedoms” back and an end to the controls and tyranny that is developing globally. The freedom to speak, the freedom to socialize and assemble, the freedom to travel, to live where we like, love who we choose, pursue the work we choose (without undue hardship), and the freedom to make health and lifestyle choices for ourselves and our families--all human rights that must be afforded EVERYONE! These rights and freedoms, as long as they don’t hurt another, are essential in maintaining peaceful existence in a civilized world!

Where some people have been mislead, unfortunately, was in falling into “Fear” (False- Evidence-Appearing-Real), something the media is well-paid to promote these days--thinking those NOT inoculated are in some way a threat to those who chose to vaccinate! It is the same false thinking that believes a child who has not been vaccinated against measles, for example, would in any way infect children who’ve been inoculated “Against” measles. This belief makes no sense at all! It would ONLY make sense if the vaccinations were totally bogus and DIDN’T WORK (as they were promised), or if there was a far different purpose in their delivery. Many are now starting to see this and maybe that doctor who was censored and discredited in 2020 was right all along—trying to warn governments and provide proof that mass-vaccinating only creates mutations and “Variants” of the original virus.

It may have you wonder as well, why our Canadian Prime Minister was hiding away from the thousands of protesters and families pleading for a return of their freedoms, saying: he had “Covid” again (something he and his family had been doubly vaccinated against getting). Even more ludicrous was his follow-up comment: “Even though 90% of the population has been vaccinated, “More” people should vaccinate!” Is this so more people can get “Covid” (like him), or more money can be made on multiple “Booster-Shots”? How about his comment that the tens of thousands of Canadian families (in support of the truckers and those at the rally) represented only a small “Fringe Minority”?? There were thousands of people at that rally and tens of thousands that lined the streets of towns and cities to support the convoy and its mission! Doesn’t the fact that the 9 million dollars raised in support of this protest, came from ordinary “Canadian Citizens and their Families”, (not the giant corporations that normally fund political parties)?? This has surpassed all known contributions ever raised by the public sector for a political outcome--in our entire history!

Does this not tell you something?

This pandemic was actually predicted by God—as a way for people to finally see the greed and corruption that has been hiding in the dark for centuries, and how “Fear” has been used to control the masses. It was all so people could finally wake-up and realize what’s REALLY important in life—our freedom and rights as human beings—our right to health and happiness and our right to choose whether to self-heal “Naturally”, or ingest drugs and chemicals to gain relief. There are far too many toxic chemicals ‘Already” being put into our food, our water and our air today, to gain profit for the distributors—NO WONDER so many are sick!

This has to stop! Human beings everywhere deserve THE TRUTH! With the truth, and our increasing understanding and compassion for ALL LIFE, we will ultimately succeed in creating the changes together that will enhance life for everyone on this planet. THIS is why everything has been done of late: to silence us and weaken us, to divide us, our families and loved ones (even at their deathbeds!), to muzzle us, isolate us, keep us in fear of others and angry with the innocent, to keep us “distancing” from others, unable to worship together, socialize together, share ideas, opinions or group together in any way (other than “virtually”, where we can be easily monitored and censored if deemed necessary)--just talk to many prominent front-line doctors and scientists today and you will discover some new truths!

This is also why, even those opposed to freedom, can’t stop public protests altogether (then their inhumanity would show). They do, however, search out the smallest infractions of any group, to find “Anything” that could be considered “Offensive or Unacceptable”--to capitalize on. Then the media and others opposed could regurgitate these “crimes” over and over again (ignoring the pleas of the thousands of law-abiding and peaceful citizens), constantly publicizing their negative views to gain public acceptance in portraying them ALL as disrespectful and non-patriotic (or even “RACIST”, as our very own Prime Minister has implied)!

THIS TYPE of slander, condemnation and mass judgment is the “TRUE RACISM”. It is how hatred is spread and how prejudice begins: judging and condemning large groups or races of people for the perceived crimes or offences of a few (even without knowing their story or their motivation)--then “painting the entire race, culture or belief system with the same stain of guilt”--a falsehood and travesty that only ends up hurting the ones who make such judgments, and why, for our own salvation, we should never judge others in this way.

If you wish to know the truth: if you wish to know what specifically led up to this global mess we are in, who the real culprits are and “Why” it was all planned so meticulously years ago, read my book! If you just want the “Easiest” way to enhance your life, heal your body naturally and/or make a difference in the world, you must read this book. It honestly contains ONLY FACTS, researched and authenticated through a lifetime of study, experience and even “Miracles”. A book, some say, is multiple books in one—where just ONE CHAPTER may be all you need to change your perceptions, your way of thinking and enhance your future!

Visit: “” to find all the chapters listed on page two.

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