Thursday, February 24, 2022



Turbulent Skies

by Ronald A. Fabick


GENRE: Action/Adventure Thriller



Flight 182 crashes in San Diego, everyone aboard is killed, including Reza Roshtti, who is on his way to present the final plans for a top secret project to his employer, California Robotics. Giti Roshtti appears on a newscast after the doomed flight, Jaffar Hamid Harraj is smitten with the bereaved widow who lives across the globe in the United States.

When Jack Coward, an ex-marine turned private investigator, is hired to find out everything he can about this beautiful woman, Jack sets in motion circumstances that bring Giti and Jaffar together. Unfortunately for Giti, Jaffar Harraj has a deep, dark secret. Jaffar is not only a senior member of the Islamic Hamas Movement, but a psychotic killer.

Jaffar's aim is to use Giti's U.S. citizenship as a mechanism through which he can establish inroads into the United States, the Great Satan of the western world and land of the infidels. One of the missions of Islamic Hamas is to spread terror throughout the United States.

The United States newest lettered agency, NATA or National Anti-Terrorist Agency has some new recruits, Jack Coward and his life-long friend Don Ziegler. They team up with other members of NATA, including ex-Air Force Lieutenant Michelle Hough, to try and discover the plans of Jaffar and the Islamic Hamas, and how Giti is involved in the two.



Looking through the file that had been faxed to him by a contact in America, Mohammed Hussan, Abdul noted that Jack Coward was known to be a bit of a redneck and was also regarded as not being too fond of people from the Middle East. He was a Vietnam veteran, he drank a bit, he was single and he was an expert at hand-to-hand combat.

According to Mohammed, at first Jack Coward had been uninterested in taking the assignment. Mohammed had arrived at Jack’s place of residence— a custom-made, steel-reinforced, four-wheel-drive motorhome parked on a patch of dry grass on the outskirts of Vegas—to find the man sipping a beer in the desert sun and practicing his shooting skills by knocking beer cans off an old fence.

Not interested,” Coward told Mohammed. “Let that terrorist bastard find the woman himself.”

Mohammed flinched. He had not mentioned the activities of Jaffar to Jack Coward. He had only said a wealthy friend of his from the Middle East had seen this woman and become enamored. “But this is about love!” protested Mohammed, thinking of the hell he would get from Abdul if he failed to obtain the private eye’s services.

Sure it is,” Coward said, letting off a shot and capably blowing a beer can to smithereens. Mohammed flinched. He wouldn’t want that gun trained on him. It looked like Coward didn’t often miss.

It may have been the beer that softened him, but after Mohammed waved a large wad of bills under Coward’s nose and promised more when the job was done, the man finally relented. Yes! For several thousand dollars, he would certainly make an exception and work for people he clearly thought of as a bunch of terrorists.

This woman, Giti Roshtti, you say that’s spelled with two tees in the last name?” Coward asked.

Yes! She lives in Sacramento,” Mohammed said eagerly, relieved to have been successful in his mission.

When I find you, can I reach you at this number? Will you have the rest of my money in cash?”

Mohammed nodded eagerly.

Okay, I’ll get back to you,” said Jack. And just like that, Mohammed was dismissed.

Jack Coward didn’t really hate people of Middle Eastern descent; he hated warmongers. He hated terrorists. He hated people who didn’t treat other people properly. And he didn’t care who knew it. He was the type of guy who said what he thought and did what he wanted because he knew life was short and getting shorter. He had been in Vietnam and he had seen it all. He left there knowing he was going to not waste another moment doing or being anything insincere for any reason or anybody, whatsoever. He would be his own man and owe no one anything. He especially would not ever again be indebted to the US military machine. Vietnam had left a bitter taste in his mouth.


AUTHOR Bio and Links:

Ronald Fabick was inspired to start writing when an author told him, "If you can read a book, you can write a book". Within two weeks he had the first chapter of Turbulent Skies written.

Prior to becoming an author, Ron spent over thirty years as a Senior Structural draftsman. He uses this extensive engineering experience to add depth and reality to his stories. In his spare time, Ron enjoys crafting furniture in his workshop and tinkering on his vintage truck. Ron now resides on Vancouver Island in British Columbia.

Connect with Ronald Fabick


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