by Dyan Layne
Excerpt Reveal & Teaser Share
Release Date: March 31, 2022
Cover Design:
Lori Jackson Design
Michelle Lancaster
Jaxon Human
Book Trailer:
Ashlee O'Brien, Ashes and Vellichor
Genre: Contemporary Romance
The heart always knows what it wants.
Molly wants him. He wants her.
She loves him the mostest. Aidan loves her more.
Even though he shouldn’t.
He’s heard the whispers.
Nothing but a tragedy.
A freak who hasn’t spoken since he was five.
And her stepbrother.
The heart always knows what it wants.
He loved her anyway.
But their world isn’t safe.
Nightmares are real. The boogeyman exists.
And somewhere, he’s still out there.
Molly wants him. He wants her.
She loves him the mostest. Aidan loves her more.
Even though he shouldn’t.
He’s heard the whispers.
Nothing but a tragedy.
A freak who hasn’t spoken since he was five.
And her stepbrother.
The heart always knows what it wants.
He loved her anyway.
But their world isn’t safe.
Nightmares are real. The boogeyman exists.
And somewhere, he’s still out there.
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He needed to man up. Fuck the paranoia. Ignore the inevitable stares. The whispers. It was Molly’s party and she wanted him there beside her. Aidan needed be there to celebrate the girl he loved. God help him, he loved her, and not the way a brother should.
She consumed him.
And he wanted inside every part of her. Her heart. Her soul. Her body. That sweet, sweet pussy. Fuck, he couldn’t wait to taste it. Would she let him? They’d lock him up, toss the key if they knew the thoughts that were constantly invading his head. Or they’d take her away. If that were to happen, he would surely die.
So, yeah, he needed to get it together. It was time to be a man now. To be everything Molly deserved. Fearless and strong. In control. And he had to be smart about it. For her.
Let them whisper. Let them point fingers and stare. Aidan opened the door. He was going back out there.
“I’m in love with Aidan, Gabs.” He couldn’t see her, but her sweet voice came to him softly with the evening summer breeze inside the open doorway. “I’m gonna marry him someday.”
And someday, when we’re both old enough, I’m going to ask you to. The smile on his face spread so wide that his cheeks hurt. My Molly Cat. I love you.
“He’s your brother, Molls.”
“Doesn’t matter.”
Shut up, Gabby.
“That’s just like me being with Trevor. Ewww, so gross!”
Heh. Asshole jock.
“That’s different.”
“It’s not. Ewww.”
Shut the fuck up.
If he heard ‘ewww’ come out of Gabby’s mouth one more time he’d…what? Have words with her? A shouting match via text messages? Yeah, right. Laughable. It’s not like he could walk up to her and punch her, even though that’s exactly what he felt like doing.
“You and Trev have the same dad, dipshit.”
Yeah, you tell her, baby. Shut her up.
“And you’ve been calling Brian Fischer ‘dad’ since you were seven.”
Fuck. Aidan stood there, frozen. The words hitting below the belt as he recalled the day his father married Michele. The day they became a family.
“So, yeah. Ewww.”
Quietly, he closed the door.
Fuck off, Gabby.
Molly was his sister. Not by blood, but she was his sister nevertheless. Because that’s how everyone saw them.
He saw her as a gift. His best friend. His only friend. Inexplicably drawn to each other from the moment they sat together on the porch steps seven years ago, Aidan didn’t just love Molly, he was in love with her. Was that really so wrong?
Technically? No.
But the reality was, most people would agree with Gabby. Especially his father and Michele. They’d never understand. Nobody would.
People would point their fingers and stare at them. Aidan could already hear the whispers behind their backs, ‘there’s the freak who’s fucking his sister’. Maybe they were right. Maybe he really was a freak.
Molly deserved better.
He never should have kissed her.
She couldn’t be his.
The music had stopped about an hour ago. Aidan opened the shutters and peered out his window. Moonlight shimmered on the swimming pool, spilling inside his bedroom where he’d been sitting alone with his thoughts in the dark.
There was a gentle tap on his door. He turned from the window to Molly holding two plates of birthday cake. Sitting beside him on the bed, she handed him one. “You didn’t stay for cake so I brought you a slice.”
Her fruity floral scent invaded his nostrils. Aidan tucked into the cake so he wouldn’t have to look at her all sexy and sweet in cotton drawstring boxer shorts. He could see dusty-pink nipples right through the little white tank top she wore.
“And I didn’t get to have any either.” Peeking up at him from beneath her lashes, she leaned over to wipe blueberry filling from the corner of his mouth, then licked it from her pinky finger. “It’s good, yeah?”
He simply nodded.
How was he supposed to do this? How did he go back to being just her brother when he was dying to kiss her again? He couldn’t.
“Did I ever tell you your eyes are like the moon?” She softly touched her mouth to the edge of his lip, kissing away any blueberry that remained.
Fuck me.
He pulled her onto his lap, so she straddled him, and thrust his fingers in her hair, bringing her mouth back to his. Aidan kissed her like this was his last chance and he wasn’t at all gentle about it. Lemon and blueberries. He devoured her. His tongue sweeping inside, committing every crevice and contour to memory.
Falling together onto the bed, Molly returned his kiss with equal fervor. “I love you, Aidan.”
I love you, Molly.
He couldn’t say it, though, and for the first time in his life Aidan was glad he didn’t have the voice to speak. Saying the words out loud would only bring heartache, because they could never be. Instead, he closed his eyes and held her tight. Kissing her neck. Breathing cupcakes and berries and white chocolate orchids.
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About the Author
Dyan Layne is a nurse boss by day and the writer of edgy sensual tales by night--and on weekends. Serenity, the first book in the Red Door series, is her debut novel. She's never without her Kindle, and can usually be found tapping away at her keyboard with a hot latte and a cold Dasani Lime--and sometimes champagne. She can't sing a note, but often answers in song because isn't there a song for just about everything? Born and raised a Chicago girl, she currently lives in Tampa, Florida, and is the mother of four handsome sons and a beautiful daughter, who are all grown up now, but can still make her crazy--and she loves it that way! Because normal is just so boring.
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