Wednesday, August 31, 2022

Pleasure in Pain & Giveaway


Pleasure in Pain
Coda Languez
(Birth of a Sin, #2)
Publication date: August 29th 2022
Genres: Adult, Dark Romance, Mafia, Romance

Originally on Kindle Vella!
If she couldn’t catch him with honey…Violence will have to do.
Power, Money and Beauty; Ira Dante had it all.
She was the woman of his dreams.
All Tristan had to do was say “yes” and she would give him anything he could dream of.
But all that money came from trafficked drugs, stolen weapons, and mountains of bloodied corpses. All that power lead to sadistic rages and nightmarish madness. Underneath her beauty was a monster that threatened to rip him apart.

Simply put:
Ira was batshit insane.

So Tristan refused; their relationship was built on pretty little lies hiding the hideous truth and as a vigilante, he spent years working against criminal empires like the Dante Family.
Unfortunately, Ira was a woman who never took ‘no’ for an answer and she has long learned that all is fair in love and war.

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Book 1 – A Beautiful Lie – is only 99c for a limited time!


Ira looked down at him from her perch on the table, her titanium fingers releasing those soft brown locks before lovingly brushing through the strands, “Oh Sweetie. You’re not going anywhere.” She smirked, licking her intact bottom lip; his bitter bite on her mouth was nowhere to be seen.

His electric blue eyes glared at her from under stringy brown bangs. “You psychotic whore! Let me-“

A loud BANG echoed in the room as Ira suddenly slammed his face against the steel surface. A white light seared his eyes, and his mind tumbled away from him. He gasped, grunting as tried to lift his head, only for that heated, monstrous, cybernetic hand to slam his face back down to the table.

“Here are some basic facts, ArchAngel…” She snarled, her lips close to his ears, her breath scalding his pallid skin, “You are NOT going anywhere.” She lifted his head by his hair as if to peel off his scalp. “You are in NO position to demand.” She jerked her wrist to the side, twisting his head to look up at her. Her eyes were pools of inferno, staring deep into his cerulean depths. “You. Are. MINE!” She let go of his hair, her thighs next to his throbbing head. The demonic digits of that abominable arm tapped on the steel surface. “Understood?”

Tristan shuddered, his shock, his rage giving way to fear, and somber defeat. “What do you want from me?”

She tilted her head as more tears escaped Tristan’s swollen eyes. “I have a very long list of things I want from you…”

She got off the table and pressed the index finger of her prosthetic arm onto the steel surface. A loud screech burrowed into Tristan’s ears as she dragged it around the table.

“FUCK!” If it wasn’t the pulsating thuds against his temples, it was now that scream of metal on metal tearing into ears. He clenched his teeth, feeding that agony into his returning rage.



Mixing with a healthy dose of fear.

When the metallic screech halted, he lifted chin from the table, his lips quivering before glaring up at her.

Why was she looking at him like that?

Those fiery eyes gazed at him affectionately.

There was a slight smile on Ira’s face and a soft purr in her throat.

Not too long ago, he would’ve been nuzzling his face against her orange curls, kissing the top of her head, her cheeks, and those voluptuous lips for looking at him like that.


He hated it.

He hated the mixed feelings in his gut.

He kept silent, conflicting, turning deep within his stomach, his eyes narrowed in electric azure slits as Ira took a seat.

Her eyes burned with ravenous heat as she lowered her hand into a tote beside her stiletto boots. Her eyebrows lifted, and her smile widened into a demonic grin.

She lifted the sought after tool from the bag and set it on the table, red fingernails punctuating its presence with a delicate caress.

Sick and twisted curiosity forced his gaze downwards.

A pair of pliers came into view.

Long-nosed pliers that were impeccably clean, shining in the stark spotlight of the room.

He took in the sight of the clamped shut pliers before her voice, deep and laced with a predatory growl, penetrated through the cold silence.

“So let’s start from the very top of this list. Right now, I want to know you on a deeper level.” The metal fingers of her left hand strummed along the table surface, even measured taps echoing, “No more secrets, no more lies.”

Author Bio:

Coda Languez is a Software Engineer by day and an Artist/Author by night. She is lover of all things anime, horror, and comic related, making her a true geek in all aspects. Heavily influenced by the works of Satoshi Kon, Kouta Hirano, Francesca Lia Block, and Clive Barker, Coda mixes black comedy, horror, magic realism, and dark romance into her works, creating an 'it's complicated' relationship between readers and her anti-heroic, even villainous protagonists.

When she is not programming in her day job or writing psychological terrifying romances and dark action comedies in the night hours, Coda often binges on anime, fantasy, and sci-fi sagas and indulges in competition reality tv (a guilty pleasure). She is the mother of an adorable toddler and his Pembroke Welsh Corgi brothers, and wife to an awesome and often exasperated husband.

For information on Coda's latest works, visit or connect with her on social media via @codemonkeyarts.

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