Thursday, December 15, 2022

Brutal Hearts



Brutal Hearts

A Dark College Romance | A Wicked Empire Standalone

By Jordan Grant


Release Date: January 16, 2023

Hosted by DS Book Promotions

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— Archie —

I was born into an easy life, and I like it that way.

Easy money.

Easy sex.

Easy … every-damn-thing.

But that luxury came with a price, and it’s almost time to pay it.

It’s senior year, my last one of freedom before I inherit the family empire and watch my dad gleefully sail into retirement on the tails of his fifth—sixth? —divorce from my mother.

I’m the golden boy of Arlean University, the first-line running back with so many touchdowns they call me Bring-It-Home Blakely. Men want to be me. Women want to be beneath me.

I do what I want. When I want. To whomever I want.

I am revered. Adored. Utterly untouchable.

Or so I thought.

A red-headed transfer student with a know-it-all complex and Satan’s temper threatens to ruin my birthright.

She saw something she shouldn’t have and stuck her nose where it didn’t belong.

Then, she smiled at me when my father introduced her as his fiancé.

Game on, future Mrs. Blakely.

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